
Answers from user Em14

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I am one of those business-minded people, but have no enough resources to do something about yet. I am an employee, but I don't want to grow old in an office and work hard to make other people richer. I will try my harde...

  • esthrala
    esthrala Level 1
  • 14 6 years ago

    Well , 2019 is approaching us and we are about to start a brand new year.Video Marketing has been a growing trend of Marketing across all the businesses.It is been predicted that 2019 will see an exponential growth in th...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 23 6 years ago

    2018 has been a tough year but I hope everyone can start a new and better beginning this 2019.

  • silverwords
    silverwords Level 1
  • 51 6 years ago

    How do you buy your stuff? Do you indulge in the convenience of online shops or are you too meticulous that you raid as much shops in the mall/market to shop?

  • esthrala
    esthrala Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    When it comes to Video Sharing, which do you think is the better platform YouTube or Facebook?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 65 6 years ago

    So, I want to promote my business on social media so that all people can buy some things from my business company. Now, I am looking to promote my business. Should I choose Facebook or Instagram?

  • NikSuks
    NikSuks Level 1
  • 51 6 years ago

    There's been a slight trend away from social media influencers recently, especially with the bad press that came with a few bad eggs. Is it still worth it to try and court customers by hiring influencers to promote your ...

  • Rathiel
    Rathiel Level 1
  • 34 6 years ago

    What Is Your 2019 New Year Resolution.. When It Comes To Your Online Money Making Efforts??

  • KiokoMedia
    KiokoMedia Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    What's a typical Christmas day like for you and your family? Do you go out? Exchange gifts? Stay home and enjoy your family's company? What happens on Christmas day?

  • Tehilah27
    Tehilah27 Level 1
  • 292 6 years ago

    I would like to greet all the people in Seocheckout a very Merry Christmas! Blessings of Peace, Joy and Prosperity for each and everyone! "Christmas now surrounds us, happiness is everywhere. Our hands are busy wi...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 70 6 years ago

    Today smart phone technology become very vast in almost aspects. For eg: more pixel camera, 3D view and something. May be almost people look for a new or some more feature. What is your side expectations in tech about so...

  • satheeshsoft
    satheeshsoft Level 1
  • 62 6 years ago

    During the holidays I would withdraw some spending money and leave the rest in the bank. If I need to buy something in the mall or supermarket I would just use my ATM debit card. Using a card to pay for things is saf...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 71 6 years ago

    No matter how much you try to cut down on your expenses during Christmas holidays, it proves to be a tough job because whether you like it or not, you are definitely going to be forced to spend more either on gifts, food...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 50 6 years ago

    I'm interested in learning SEO, since it seems like a very important tool nowadays. I only know the fundamental principle, but I'd like to start by having a clearer picture of what resources it uses and what fields it ...

  • dullian
    dullian Level 1
  • 35 6 years ago

    With the year coming to a close, remembering the good days,as well as the bad days. What are the bad things that happened to you this year?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 98 6 years ago

    I read the other day on Youtube that Google doesn't show some sites in his search results. Is it true? is this some kind of censorship? I think they said that Duck engine is more transparent and offers more transparen...

  • dullian
    dullian Level 1
  • 28 6 years ago

    When it comes to online business, every webmaster seek out their prospective clients online through the internet and social media sites. Before dealing with anyone, you are supposed to build trust between yourselves beca...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 39 6 years ago

    The new trend in technology advancement is making every website address available in applications format, thereby making it possible for users to have access to the website using the url address and applications as well....

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 43 6 years ago

    What are the things you're thankful for this 2018? The good things in your life, the blessings you've received.

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 142 6 years ago

    What Gift would you give yourself this Christmas? I have this yearly habit of buying myself a gift for Christmas. This year I'm having a hard time to decide what to give myself due to some budget issues.

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 66 6 years ago

    2018 is nearing its end. As an Online Freelancer it's time to assess my career if it's a "Yay or a Nay" for this year. And it's a "Yay", my income from freelancing tripled and it's only my second year as a freelancer...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 46 6 years ago

    I'll be launching several services in the market place by early next year these would be Logo Design and Infographic Services. Are you also planning to launch some services next year? What kind of services?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 18 6 years ago

    Woke up this today with an early morning call from my sister that her Facebook account has been hacked. I remembered giving her instructions to set up two-factor authentication to fully secure her account from being hac...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 33 6 years ago

    Failure and success is a part of life, especially in the fields of Business and freelancing. Most of us would like to venture into new things and aspire for a degree of financial freedom in our life. Given a choice, ever...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 43 6 years ago

    I read an article about the evils of social media which says that "it manipulates users opinions and emotions for the sake of revenue". I was wondering what would be your opinion on this issue. Here's a link to the a...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 44 6 years ago

    The biggest festive season of the year is here again.It's another season when impulse purchase catches up with me.The celebration mood boosts this habit of buying what I did not budget for.I once saw a man on television ...

  • rose61
    rose61 Level 1
  • 100 6 years ago

    One thing that is very common with all business is that every now and then, the business either appreciates or depreciates with the influence of some variables. We have already seen how 2018 almost went with freelanc...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 83 6 years ago

    Social media remains that platform that we get to interact with a lot of people. One good thing about social media is that you get to have a lot of fun getting to know others. However, cyberbullying is like a dirt t...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 67 6 years ago

    Hello Guys, Did you think what will be your next goal in 2019? Let discuss about it. Everyone should set the target and work hard for achived the goal. I hope everyone already set their goal. By the way my goal is tha...

    100 6 years ago

    It's Christmas time again and time for people to go shopping. During this season, many online shopping sites offer crazy deals. The problem is, many online sellers on those sites are scammers. They will accept your payme...

    77 6 years ago

    Hello all, We all know how important Google has become in our lives. Right from a simple search to maps and navigation, online help, flights, travel plans, directions to any place on the earth to smart assistants, Google...

    41 6 years ago

    So is anyone here suffers from Anxiety? and if so can you share what are your symptoms when you feel like you're about to experience panic attacks.

  • davedaot04
    davedaot04 Level 1
  • 79 6 years ago

    A lot of us want to run a business that sells our own products, but we never really know if it's going to sell well or not. There are a few things you can do in order to figure out if your product is going to be a succ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 44 6 years ago

    With the way technological advancement is going on in the world today, will it be possible to get to a phase where writing on any kind of paper would be deem obsolete and scrapped from existence? I have watched so man...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 78 6 years ago

    I'm beginning this discussion with the aim that I will help a friend that is passing through serious depression. The issue began few days ago when she was dumped by her fiance of six years. I have tried to talked he...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 168 6 years ago

    Most times, we are faced with one obstacle or the other when we are trying to make it in life. While I was starting my freelancing life, I have the distractions of friends asking for a visit always. While I had to cut ti...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 123 6 years ago

    Great weekend to every member of this awesome family. My question today will be based on mind and body and how we remain motivated for life activities to go on. There is something that I know in life and that is abo...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    When it comes writing articles, there are some people who are very disposed to writing as many articles as possible especially when they have offers to write such articles.On the other hand, there are some people who set...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 83 6 years ago

    Hard to believe the New Year is just around the corner! I often find myself reflecting on the past year and things I'd like to do better in 2019. Do you set goals/make New Year's resolutions when it comes to your work...

  • amelia88
    amelia88 Level 1
  • 94 6 years ago

    There are a whole lot of people in the world that cannot stay more than a day without their gadgets such as smartphone by them. I think that I am one of them and this is something that I always fear about when I am choos...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 158 6 years ago

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