
Is Facebook Evil? Are Social Media Platforms bad?

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Is Facebook Evil? Are Social Media Platforms bad?

I read an article about the evils of social media which says that "it manipulates users opinions and emotions for the sake of revenue". I was wondering what would be your opinion on this issue.

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Yeah. Whatever! I have lived through enough years. The telephone was evil. The television was evil. Computers are evil. Like any of these “things” have a mind, have a conscious, can discern between good and evil. Only humans can take a “thing” and decide whether to use it for good or use it for evil. As for people being manipulated for the sake of revenue? Yawn. Nobody is being FORCED to have a social media account. Human beings have their own brains and it's up to them to use their minds properly.

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I would compare social media platforms to a knife. A knife is useful for preparing foods like cutting vegetables, meat, etc. It's also used as a tool inside the house. The wrong use of it is it can also take a life. Social media is a double-edged sword, and its value will highly depend on the person who wields it.

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I agree with you. I have also thought of a knife to illustrate my point. It is true that social media can stimulate and manipulate, but that depends on how you manage yourself in using your social media. We have to understand that the difference between the stumbling block and the stepping stone is how we use it.

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I do agree with you that Facebook is just a tool and that the evil comes from the people who are using it wrongfully and it's owner or the one who's controlling the platform that may use it for some evil purpose. But facebook per se is neutral it could be used for both good and evil.

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If more and more people are using it for good intentions only, I'm sure other people will follow suit, and they will condemn anyone using it for the wrong reasons. As the saying goes "birds of the same feathers flock together."

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I don't think Facebook evil or social media in general. Everything has its own pros and cons, I personally dislike Facebook and I don't use it anymore. I prefer Instagram and Twitter. Just use social media responsibly and I think we should focus more on the positive side of social media but if it's too much for anyone... just delete/deactivate.

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For me, social media platforms are not evil. It has been created for interacting with people around the world and of course on the part of the founders, earning revenue is one of their goals. Unfortunately, social media have been used by others for evil deeds such as cyberbullying, pornography, fake news, political black propaganda, tweaking the truth, and different scams that cause many people to lose their money.

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Exactly. Social media platforms are not evil. The users are evil and are using the platforms for evil activities instead of the intended purpose.

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Others would create fake accounts to post something that will destroy the reputation of other people. And the sad thing is, others would believe it without validating the credibility of the source or seeking the truth. Lies spread just like a wildfire. Millions of people became part of the lies.

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No, it's how the people use it, it really depends on us, social media in fact is a great tool to connect with our loved ones even if they are far from us, it's a great tool to make friends too, it's also a great tool to promote your business because it has so many users, for me social media is not evil, it's how we use it that make's it evil.

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I think Facebook is not an evil as long as we use it for some good purpose and intentions, the only problem is that when we used it for different purposes which makes Facebook very bad at the moment. I think Facebook is a good tool and platform if we will just used it in a right way.

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That is right. Things become evil the way of how the person using it. If you use it badly then it becomes evil.

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Facebook track your location till the closest to your neighbour...if anything happen nearby you there is a chance facebook will alert you automatically. So scary

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Why is everything that is popular nowadays considered as evil? Is facebook Evil? Are social media platforms bad? I would admit there are people out there who abused social media like trolls and scammers, but social media has a lot of benefits to us and I mean a lot. Social media has many people more connected compared to centuries ago. We just need to be responsible for when using this platform.

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Facebook is definitely not a evil. It becomes evil the way the user use it. It all depends to the people who are using it and what kind of person they are.

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No, it's not the platform that's bad. It's the people who don't use it in the right way. It's the people's ways that make a thing bad.

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In the advent of this modernize era, social platforms like Facebook and messenger has evolved drastically, the same goes for any other social media sites. Technological innovation like cellphones are not only geared towards building relationship and creating communication through out the world. It is now a gadgets that has far out-reached its basic purpose. The same rules applies to social media platforms like Facebook. Today's social media sites are submerged of fake news and violence easily accessible to anyone who has a Facebook account perpetuating publicity that may or may not impact a person's life. The bottom line is, as we become end-user of these social media platform is whether if we are going to allow social media information to affect our reality. The choices is ours, since not everything that is happening in social media is our reality.

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Social media is not evil. As it has already been mentioned everyone's perception is defined by how other people use the platform. When someone is bullied, it's not social media that is evil, the person using it for that purpose is the one who should be called "evil."

About manipulation, I think that it is everywhere - both overt and covert. All ads for example are designed to manipulate people. So technically, everywhere we look someone is trying to do what they are accusing someone else of being guilty of. If Facebook is evil so are most other websites.

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I do not think that social media is bad, especially not Facebook. I mean, it has some negative sides such as knowing your exact location but other than that it is completely fine. I mean, you can chat with your relatives who live far away, let's say. People can share their opinions, share their pictures and meet some new friends. Of course, there are many bad things about the Facebook. But there are also many good things. So I do not think it is evil and bad.

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Facebook and social media platforms are not evil. Instead, people and more so the users are evil. A gun does not kill but people kill.

If Facebook and other social media platforms were to be used as per the intentions of the creators, then all will be fine. However, cyberbullies and sadists have taken control of Facebook and other social media platforms, making them sound so bad, yet they are of vital use in the modern world.

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Yes, it is the people that make the platform evil. If no one ever does bad things on a platform like Facebook, it will not be viewed as evil.

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Is facebook Evil are Social Media Platforms bad: For me if you just know what is the real purpose of the social media and know your limitation for me it was good. Because social media is the best source of communication as of now, to have a connection with your family, loveones and friends especially if they are far from you. But some of people misused the the social media and it will lead into not good result. So for me it depends who uses the social media.

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I do not believe Facebook or any social platform is evil. I believe that people could use it for evil purposes. People write things on Facebook to suit their own views and if you are a novice on the issue and you take their word for it without researching further then yes, you could be persuaded to see things from their point of view. This is not the fault of Facebook but your own fault for believing everything you see rather than researching further and using your head and knowledge to determine and differentiate between good and evil

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I think that Facebook seems to be a great knowledge provider for me because I learned many relevant things that is very essential in my life. It makes me become updated on the latest trends and issues for today which one of the things that I really about Facebook. I can also store some of my important photos that I want to treasure at moment at my Facebook account, I can do a lot of things from it which makes it my favorite place to hang out

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I don’t think that the concept behind Facebook is evil. It’s a great way for friends to stay connected over time and distance. You share family photos and videos, keep up with buddies from college, and collect a wide variety of water cooler topics for the day.

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I agree with you. Instead of viewing it as evil, we should view it as a very helpful platform for communication. We should not blame it to Facebook when one does evil things.

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Social media is not evil, it is the one who uses it the wrong way. Some people make it as their tool of scamming people or making fun of someone. If we use social media as an informative tool it will help us a lot.

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Social media platforms are not bad, those are perfect ways for us to express ourselves. However, we need to exercise control over our use of it because excessive use of social media platforms have significant impacts in your life. You might miss out on a lot of important events and happenings in your life because you are too focused on social media.

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Let's take a look at few assumptions. Facebook captures our data. Sells it to left wing parties all over the world. And tries to elect the left wing leaders. And then same data is being sold to the advertisers. And they are not evil for doing that? If that is not the evil. Then I am wondering, what else is left to be evil. I mean that's like selling information of your own country to others. Which is kind of evil in itself.

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I don't think that social media sites are the ones who manipulate people. It's the media itself that is doing that. Is Facebook evil? No. A thing doesn't have any evil tendencies unless a human uses it for evil. So in this case, I guess it would depend on the user. Humans are known for evil. Not the things around them.

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I think that this is a misleading concept. Social media platforms are created to form connections and communities of people. Some communities are bounded by common interests or causes or issues, etc. Yes, such platforms will contain ads. And yes the ads that were shown at your news feeds are related to your tastes and preference which was corresponded to the way you interacted with the platform. But that doesn't mean that they are tools for brainwashing and such. Each of us have their own choices whether or not to buy. Nobody forces anyone to sign up for anything. These platforms are tools. These platforms offers you tools to connect with people in different aspect. And one aspect of it is with business nature and profit making. But still these are tools. Use them for good and good will come out of them. Use them for bad, and well expect bad. Stop blaming issues on the tools, it is the users that do good or bad with them.

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I agree with this. I think this argument is highlighted by what is currently being unveiled by Facebook.Facebook is said to have allowed companies to use people's private data which they sold to influence the US election. What makes it worse is that another Country is said to be involved. If you think about it in those terms social media can be evil because it can be used to manipulate how you thing. E.g Donald Trump uses social media to win his base over with his lies and alternative reality aka fake news.

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Who is making Facebook bad anyway? Facebook is just a tool with no mind of its own. Basically, those people that are using Facebook to hurt, deceive, spread false information are the one that is really bad and evil.

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This is the same thing that I am saying as I can't blame any social media platform for the evil that the users commit. Al we need to do is to always be careful of the way that we handle things on social media networks.

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If you mean to say by Facebook is evil is the owner or the administrator of Facebook that is doing the manipulation I guess you are wrong. We can see that we benefit much from Facebook that we are using that social media platform for free. There are advertisements and I agree that they earn a lot but that’s their benefit for giving us the benefit. In other words they earn so that they can let us use Facebook for free.

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There is something that I understand about getting addicted to the social media and that is the fact that we talk to humans and not ghosts or evil men. The thing that I have come to realize is that we should have a level of control over how we make use of social media instead of having to blame our addiction on other factors.

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They often take a lot of our time away, but I believe that social medias bad traits are outweighed by the good that they give us. They offer more connection between people, sharing of awesome content and other stuff!

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Well I won't say that Facebook or the other Social platforms are evil but I am definitely very concerned after hearing the news of various data breaches that have happened across almost all the social media platforms in the recent days. It becomes more serious when you hear that in the case of Facebook, apart from your personal details , your personal messages may have also been leaked for marketing purposes. I hope all these media platforms treat the issue of data security more seriously and safeguard the users privacy.

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The thing to worry about social media is that Facebook also owns Instagram and WhatsApp. So if Facebook closes down they still have your personal details through these two platforms that almost everyone uses. I think we are all in trouble. Someone should sue Facebook to hell and back. When you see them attending/or refusing to attend any hearings, they look like they really don't care one bit.

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It’s just the bad things Facebook is going through. But in reality, it's not evil. Its great platform which connects people all over the world. Just not a good time to talk about. Facebook will always be on top.

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Nothing is evil unless you let it take over your entire time and your life. If you end up choosing facebook and social media over the more important things in life like family, career, friends, etc. that's where the evil comes in. Social media, when used for good, enables us to connect with loved ones, reach out to those friends who are now unreachable because of the distance, entertain ourselves, relieve stress, and many more. We benefit from social media, albeit there are disadvantages too, once it is abused and misused by other users.

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Yes absolutely - they even control if the contents will go against them which then they will censored or remove it..although it can be useful or important news to the public at large

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