
Google Search : What if it is paid?

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Google Search : What if it is paid?

Hello all, We all know how important Google has become in our lives. Right from a simple search to maps and navigation, online help, flights, travel plans, directions to any place on the earth to smart assistants, Google has become a family member and made our lives simpler. 

What if Google decides to monetize its search feature? I would love to read your comments and discussions on this. What if you wake up one day and see Please pay for your using Google today? on the Google home page? What would your reaction be?


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Well if really Google is that dumb to implement that kind of thing then that will be a downfall to their website, and really other web search engine will take it's place or throne, there's a lot of competition when it comes to web search engines there a web search engine called and many people are quite using it today.

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I agree. Many people depend on stuff being free. Especially, online content and search engines. Once they make it a paid feature, people will be seriously put off by it. They'll switch to something that works just as well but free of charge.

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Exactly! There are a lot of search engines that are waiting for their turn to be in the mainstream. But, I don't think Google will ever think of that. It's very risky for them.

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Definitely,I trust humans being to dump them for other free sites. Google can't even try that because it will be their downfall

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Then that would be time that people will not use google anymore.

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Google Search: What if it is paid: Google search is the search engine that I use now and if that may happens then, I think that is the time to switch to other search engine that can help you in your needed information in a most affordable way.

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Very few would use Google. I don't think Google can do so, because it's competitors can take advantage of that.

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Well obviously most people would simply stop using Google. There are plenty of search engines, not as good as Google which would be used by everyone who doesn't want to pay in order to use a search engine. I'm sure these search engines would be greatly improved in a short time, so they can provide results which are as good as Google's.

p.s By the way though it appears Google is free, they display ads on results pages. So technically someone is paying for using the search engine one way or another.

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Yup, paid advertising is one of Google's way of earning money. They offer Google's search engine service for free so people from around the world would use it. According to Google's search statistics, there are 3.5 billion searches per day. This is a huge potential for business owners who advertise on Google.

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There are a lot of services that pay you to search keywords and even use their search engines. It's all new to me, as I've only recently found out about it. But I highly doubt that Google search will force you to pay for the usage, never ever, Simply because people will stop using it.

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If Google wasn't free then the answer is simple. More than half the users would switch to the next best thing that offers their service for free. Isn't that the only way to do it?

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People will be disappointed and it would result in billions of losses to Google. A large percentage of users will probably stop using Google if it becomes a paid service. Companies will also stop advertising on Google when the number of users dropped. What's the benefit of paying when there are few users who can see the ads. Allowing people to use Google's search engine for free is one of their marketing strategies to generate billions.

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There are always free alternatives and I think if google began to charge for their service we would just see a shift away from using them for online searches. If anything I think that would be the one thing that could cause their downfall.

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I don't think so. I believe Google already earning more than enough to sustain their company. They wil not do something that will destroy business and reputation. If you notice, Google is dedicated to improve their services and from time to time they develop new features that makes our lives more convenient. So, I know that idea will never be an option for them.

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When there come a time that google will no longer be free. It will surely be a loss of the company. Their patronizer will not use and switch to another search engines. People like to use free services and there are many available search engines replacing google. Thou, I doubt it will not happen. It will always be free.

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I feel like if they did that, it would change everything. I know that people can afford it if they really need to. But the fact that they've used it for free since the early 2000's shows how much it means to users. Maybe in the next century it's okay. But right now, I don't think it's a good idea.

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I doubt that Google will ever do that. There are other search engines that people can visit for free and for Google to take that risky step, it would make or break the progress that they worked hard for years.

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Unless Google is working on a great conspiracy theory to make all the other search engines go bankrupt. Then they will be able to dictate their own rules, hehe. It's highly unlikely, but quite possible if you ask me.

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That's a funny idea. I wonder if it could ever be true. Well, it's not so farfetched. They are very powerful. So if they really wanted to, others may not be able to stop them. But I hope they don't do that.

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Wow. Haha. That's a crazy idea but yes, it's not impossible. With the power and money of the company of Google nowadays, my goodness, it's quite scary.

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Same here. If they're really as smart as they claim they are, then it wouldn't even come up to them to make it a paid feature. They're already making billions of dollars as it is. Doing that would only cost them the same amount of money. Because people will stop using it.

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If Google becomes paid, then people are going to move to duckduckgo and bing. And they are going to make that search engine famous. And even best part is that google search is going to be reduced with the data. And that means less ads on the search engine. I'd say on that note google search would surely be making things a bit harder for many of us.

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You're right. Duckduckgo is so much better. The main advantage there is that they don't track your browsing history. They don't track you at all. Period. How amazing is that? While Google practically stores everything we ever did on the internet.

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I'm familiar with Bing and it has so much potential if ever Google goes down. I'm not familiar with the other one.

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Duduckgo does not collect data. Whereas google and bing does. And it has search results from the google and other search engines. It's pretty much the search engine that is free from ads. And also it only relies on the quality search results. I think on that note I think duckduckgo has some future.

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I think that if google would ask for payment for using their site I think people will slowly stay away from it because we all know that there are still some other alternatives search engine aside from google. I think that google should stay away from such idea as much as possible if they want to gain more users and be on top on the rankings.

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I think so too. I don't know if they still consider doing that. It's not a good idea. They have so much more to lose once they make it paid feature. The very essence of Google being free to use will be lost.

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Google has been in the business for a long period of time and become the biggest search engine in the world. I believe, they are earning more than enough already to have a cheap strategy just to earn more. I agree with all your comments. If Google use this idea, it's the start of their downfall.

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I agree with you. I think Google will not go to that level, unless they become greedy with money.

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If google is doing so well right now, it is because most of its services are free. Even at that, their worth is in billions of dollars. I don't think they will find the need to suddenly up and get greedy. If they end up taxing for something as simple as a search, sure there will be those who will pay for it, but Google will end up losing the bulk of its users and that could eventually lead to their downfall.

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If you have to pay to make a search with Google I’m sure the searchers will be using the free search. But if given a situation that all search engines will be on an equal footing that they will charge the users then the general public will have no choice but to pay the service of searching. What will happen is that searching will be limited so as to save money for the service charge.

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I don't think they need to put a price on using Google Search because Google is earning money indirectly via Google Search. If you want to look for something, Google search is your top option. Because of that, you will click and click within the search results and most of them have Google Ads. These Google Ads are one of the ways Google earn money from clickers which companies pay.

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I hope it never happens. Google is a big help for everyone, it gave us so much information. Not all people can afford to buy on a website. Especially the students. Google is a reliable source so if ever happen that we need to pay in order to access their website, its a big problem for some people.

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I don't think that this would happen. People make Google, it is not Google that makes their won site. People put their content on google. Google will not come up with their own content. Will they pay you for content? Why do I not think so. So I don't think that they can charge you for searching unless they are willing to pay you for the content you put up on their search engine.

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I would happily switch to free search engines but I believe this is something Google would never do. People are already paying for internet access this is why people are not willing to pay for anything else online. Most people refuse to pay for apps, movies and music. As long as there are free alternatives, that's where people (including me) would go.

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Well, if that were to be the case we would all be rich, probably. But people from Google are, of course, not going to do anything similar to this. Why would they give their money to someone who is practically using the services Google offers? Google provides us with all sorts of information. It is logical that we actually pay them for giving us all that information. I know that people are giving information to Google but Google keeps everything together. We are in good hands people.

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Then, I will find another search engine because if you're not aware about it, there's thousands of search engines out there that's free, I don't know how they make money out of it, but there's a lot of them in the internet, if google is paid then that's not worth it anymore, people of course lean towards free stuffs.

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I don’t think that it will ever happen because google is earning a lot from its users. Google doesn’t need us to pay. But let us just assume that it will happen and if that happens, I would minimize the use of google and I believe others will also minimize their use because they have to pay for it. Many will get affected if ever. I guess, back to basics again if that happens.

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If they will do this and every single search engine then it would be like the old days. You have to go to the library to do research. You will start picking up newspaper again and oy the one who has money can pay for the information on the internet. We will not die from this. We have already done this in the past.

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If Google decides to monetize their search feature, they will charge a rate so low it will be ridiculous. They'll probably make you pay 5 cents for using it for the whole day. Most people will stick with google and continue to use their search engine. To us, the money would be nothing but to google who has so many people using their search feature, they'll be raking in millions every single day.

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I don't think good will do that. because if they try to monetize google search in less than a month it will close and file bankruptcy. but if that happens then we are all lucky.

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