What if you were totally depending on your Youtube channel for marketing your business and then it got banned? What would you do to recover?
So, you go to Youtube. "Errr, why is Youtube so slow" you might say, or "What is wrong with my computer!". Well, don't blaim it on your computer OR Youtube. It's your internet provider. Your internet provider will ...
Hey guys, Ive been on here for around 4 days and just got a ton of views but no sales..... What do I do? My friends made a account the same day I did and are getting sales..
Will you ask your friends on your Facebook friend list to like your page? Is this a good way to get likes or just annoying?
Bumping your service could be one of the easiest ways to increase sales. And, I've always noticed an increase in sales, not just for the service bumped but others. But, how often do you bump your services? Is this some...
If your Facebook account was suspended or frozen by Facebook, what would you lose? For instance, would you lose access to friends? And, would you just start over with a new account?
I wonder why so many people want multiple accounts on Facebook if not for personal reasons. Are they leading double lives that family and friends don't know about?
How many of your Facebook friends do you know or have you met in real life?
What is it about Facebook that makes it so popular, versus Myspace or Google+? What benefits does Facebook offer that no other social networking site has?
I don't use Facebook for friends. If I need to speak to a friend, then I will just go see them or call on the phone. Putting Facebook between me and my friends is only a barrier to real friendship. So I don't use it f...
Who is the average user of Facebook: men or women? And, what's the average age of Facebook user?
I don't know any of these people in the 'people you may know' column on my Facebook feed. They are just friends of my own friends. I'm not going to randomly add these strangers. Why do they keep suggesting them?
A very funny thing happened, when I raised my prices on my Seocheckout services. I started getting more work and for the same gigs that had previously sold for half; sometimes more than I could handle so that I was busy ...
I hate spam ads, especially on Twitter or Facebook. Those ads really annoy me. Which type of advertising would you consider the worst?
How much time do you spend in advertising your websites?
What are some of the funniest, attention getting ads you've seen? As for me, i like the Superbowl ads as they always make me laugh. Post a video of a funny or attention getting ad or talk about an ad that inspired you...
Facebook lets you change your name several times. But, many times i see fake names from users such as Kitty LuvsU (as the username) or some other made up name. And, you know that's not a real name. But these accounts ...
Is SEO a form of advertising?
Is there something called "free advertising"?