
How often do you bump your services?

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How often do you bump your services?

Bumping your service could be one of the easiest ways to increase sales. And, I've always noticed an increase in sales, not just for the service bumped but others. But, how often do you bump your services? Is this something you do daily? Or, do you only do occasionally?


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You are allowed to bump services everyday, so you should take advantage of the opportunity as others are doing so.

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You can bump your services up to five times total every day. That will be one bump per day, for free bumps and two bumps if you paid for bumps.

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i am doing my service bump regularly infact i am using both free and paid bump.

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I try to bump on a regular basis so I can get new orders daily.

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I bump regularly using FREE and PAID bumps , no matter which situation I am in .

PC, Laptop, Tablet, Phone whatever I get with an internet access I use it o_O , no matter how hard the situation is, I don't miss the bumping opportunity :cool:

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I bump my services 2 times a day. I always do this regularly using FREE Or PAID bumps.

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can you please teach me the secret to getting Free bump Daley ?

Earn Free Bumps
  • Earn one free bump per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
  • Complete an order on time (2 per day)
  • Generate an affiliate sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
  • Generate a service sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
  • Post or create a thread on the forum (4 per day)

Free bumps are updated once every 24 hours.
Your account must be email verified to receive free bumps.

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I bump my service every days 5 times

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i bump 2 services / day, first on evening, seecond on night

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Yes, I started My Gig, today, will use the benefits to started the selling on my Gig,

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It's great way to increase sales, but my problem I forget to bump them so it's occasionaly

You must bump daily, make it your habit .

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yes I too bump my Services Daily How often do you bump your services?

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Wish I could bump whenever I want!

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I bump my service daily and after 10-15min after bump i got somethink like added to fav or new buyer

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Is paid bump really better for my sale?

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Is paid bump really better for my sale?

Yes paid bump is much better then free bump

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I bump daily and get one order per day using free bumps only !!

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From some days I am analyzing that Bumping your service is good but I am getting more sales when I put it on Sale.
We all love discounts, so this is same situation.
And on sale GIGs looks more eye catching on homepage(When you Bump) and on category page.

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i bumping my service when i online. dailty

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I always forget to bump them How often do you bump your services?

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I Bump My Service Daily

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I bump my services daily in different time.

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I bump my service daily in US time zone.
i thing we bump our service daily is a basic thing but we focused on which time more visitor visit the sites and then bump.

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When you say "bump your services" what are you exactly talking about? Here in the services forum? Or the Seocheckout site itself?

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I am bumping on daily base but this time no more success via bumped

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i used to bump my service regularly using paid bump too.

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@SMMEXPRESS Ok Great Keep it upHow often do you bump your services?

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Yes paid bump is much better then free bump

I bought $13 paid bump, And I got money $13 from selling with paid bump.. Draw

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I use free bumps everyday. I want to try paid bump someday. Hope it will give something positive in return.

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never...!! that's why i just got 1 sale in the last 4 month

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I mostly use 3-5 FREE Bumps daily at suitable time to get some sales.

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I use all my 5 bumps in most days during all day when I am active in the marketplace.

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i am using bump features daily 5 free bump and 2 to 3 paid bump.

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I have earned lot of free bumps with forum activities, timely delivery and etc. So I have enough bumps.

I do bumping around 4-5 times a day. That depends on the time of the day.

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I bump everyday 4-5 times.

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I bump my 4 services on daily basis. sometimes I bump alternately 2 times for particularly one service.

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I bump my services daily, truly sure way of increased sales. Interestingly, I make purchase of bumps often from sales revenue.

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You must bump daily, make it your habit .

Yeah you should make it a habit to get more benefit.

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