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I don't use Facebook for friends. If I need to speak to a friend, then I will just go see them or call on the phone. Putting Facebook between me and my friends is only a barrier to real friendship. So I don't use it for that reason.
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I live in a very small town without many local friends, so it's nice to meet people online at Facebook (either old friends that don't live close or new people) and talk with them. Otherwise it could be very lonely.
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Agree. But make sure you don't spend too much of time FB. Otherwise you might get addicted to it.
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I don't use Facebook for friends. If I need to speak to a friend, then I will just go see them or call on the phone. Putting Facebook between me and my friends is only a barrier to real friendship. So I don't use it for that reason.
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Back in the day when I owned a Runescape clan, we had a clan group on Facebook. And, most of the members were on the FB group too. So I had to keep Facebook up most of the day, posting for our group and keeping everyone updated on our clan activities. Now I don't really use Facebook very much socially, except occasionally for games and chat.
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I use mine for chatting with family and friends. For me since we are all so busy it is just much easier to quick hop online and chat than to pick up the phone and call them.
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So, what happened to that clan ? Is it still ran by somebody ?
I started my first facebook account because of an ex girlfriend - forgot i had it for a few years then had to delete the original due to the girl i dated after the one who made me get the facebook to begin with - she was a crazy stalker lol - so I made a new one later when I was bored and connected with a ton of people from high school I hadnt spoken to in forever and people i missed from LA - its great for that - but im not a status junkie or anything, i dont even browse the wall lol
seocheckout Staff / Level X Seller / Mod
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I'm confused a bit here. You chat online and then pick up phone to talk with them ? Why would you do that?
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I think that you misunderstood her. She said that she thinks it is easier to chat online than to pick up the phone.
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And, isn't there a way to use Facebook video chat? I've used that before with one of my Facebook friends. I didn't like the video quality as it was too laggy for my computer.
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Maybe it is because of bandwidth issues. I did video chat on few occasions and I didn't noticed any lag.
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A call is 100 times better than text chat. One reason, is while we talk our expressions are much more clear and there is feeling of direct connection with the person whom we are talking. It is not the case with chatting. Also, chatting is one way in most situations. That is we ask questions and wait for answers, but while talking we are different !
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I do not like to chat on the phone so I much prefer FB.
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There are so many ways to misinterpret a text as you are just dealing with words. And, more often than not, you will get a 'what do you mean by that?' comment back when trying to be funny. For that reason, simply calling rather than messaging a friend on Facebook is the ideal solution.
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I don't chat on Facebook only I am Using For Working
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Maybe it is because of bandwidth issues. I did video chat on few occasions and I didn't noticed any lag.
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Facebook chat is a more convenient option, especially since most people will be multi tasking and can simply pick up your message on their mobile and respond in that way, rather than picking up the phone to speak to you when they might otherwise be in a conversation with someone else.
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Slowly but surely, we are all losing contact with each other, due to technology.
Maybe sometime in the near future, it will seem weird to actually talk to other humans. We will all be texting each other from our little room cubicles and avoiding all human contact. Maybe this seems far fetched, but it's real life now for some people who spend most of their lives online.
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