Tell me your excuse for not starting the forum of your dreams. Let's confront these excuses and break through them so you can actually get down to making that forum you always wanted.
I want to find the best keywords that are being searched by others on Youtube. Is there some kind of tool that would let me find most popular keywords searched on Youtube?
I have been on some forums that have no written rules and yet they are very orderly and friendly to hang out on. And you might think these forums have no rules but the rules are implied. Are you in favor of clearly spe...
When I was in high school, a friend told me about this amazing video channel called Youtube. I started using it that same day and have not stopped since. When did you first start using Youtube?
I would like to submit videos to Youtube without needing to confirm my account. Why do they impose a 15 minute limit on videos for Youtube?
I have heard of some Facebook users who will create a profile based on a ficticious character and then add friends who show interest in a specific niche or product type. For instance, a person might create a girl gamer ...
I try to always tell the truth whenever possible and don't purposefully lie. Though maybe sometimes, I'm mistaken in what I say as I can't possibly know the truth from everyone's point of view. So I speak to the best o...
In my spare time, I watch TV and play sports occasionally. I do a lot less fun things now with the free time I have than ten years ago. But, that could be related to family responsibilities. On occasion, I get a few f...
I like to think that I have good ethics and know where to draw the line when asked to do the wrong thing. However, I understand how everyone has a different version of 'right and wrong' and what's OK for others might no...
I'm having one of those bad days now, where nothing is working out. I stayed up late working and slept too late as my alarm didn't go off and now everything is a minor irritation. Maybe it's just me or the day but noth...
Hi,I know there are lot of geniuses in this forum,I just want to know,Can I earn money with a membership dating website? Can you please suggest me where to start and earn by this?
Is there really a need for forums now? For instance, with the other social networks, do forums even need to exist? Of course, you have the situation where they need technical support forums for a specific product such ...
Is it ever possible to revive a forum community once it's gone inactive or just better to shut down the forum or reboot and start again?
What are some tips to help a forum remain unique and not become a clone of other sites?
Most of my income from writing comes from Seocheckout with either article writing, blog posts, blog comments or forum posts. I tried out a new site for publishing articles awhile back and it hasn't paid off like I want...
I was reading how it's important to write a script before you create a Youtube video. But, I've never written a script. Not sure if this is necessary or if so, whether or not I should write the script or if I shoudl hi...
Are there any free tools for channel owners, such as video creators or other tools which would make it easier to create award winning videos? I would like to find some.
Last month, I started writing for BubbleWS, a site that claims you can earn money by blogging about your world. There's a wide range of articles on the site ranging from full length tutorials to informal essays and obse...
Please help in building my website . Anyone have unique ideas that I can implement in my website. persons with innovative ideas will get free membership and can post their add for free ....
Getting published in a local or regional magazine might not be so hard, but the pay is not worthwhile. But, could you ever get published in an authoritative magazine such as The Smithsonian?
When creating stories or articles, is it easier to get your work published offline or online? And, what about pay differences for either type of writing?
If I'm buying articles from a writer, I don't want to take time to edit them or revise in any way. As that defeats the purpose of buying an article. I want to buy the article and publish on my blog. Of course, I make ...
On Facebook, you have the option to make comments as your own personal (account) name or as your Facebook page name. This gives you lots of flexibility when promoting your business page on Facebook. However, Youtube on...
Commenting on Youtube videos that don't pertain to my niche seems like a waste of time to me, so I don't ever do it. Since I want to draw attention to my own Youtube channel from those interested in my niche, then I onl...
I've been writing online for years in various formats, including article sites, blogs and forums, so my hands are accustomed to using the keyboard. Now, I feel more comfortable working on the computer than writing wi...
Would you employ a moderator just for weekends; someone who would not come by any other time. This would be to give regular moderators or staff a chance to be off of forum to spend time on personal life or with family a...
As with any community, there will be times when a popular or senior forum member won't agree with your decisions, such as whom to promote or direction for your forum. What will you do when this member makes a big specta...
Do you have specialized user groups on your forum, not just regular members that serve a specific purpose? For instance, on my forum, we have a user group just for those who share a common interest in movies. This gro...
When you start a forum, how many people should you have on staff or in your member base before you really go live and start advertising and promoting the site to get new members?
When you delete an account, do you also delete all the member's posts? Let's say this was a long time member, who contributed 1000 forum posts. Would you delete all their posts when the account is banned or leave them ...
Anyone can rewrite content online but that doesn't make them a good article writer. What traits does it take to be a good article writer, to take a bare bones idea and flesh it out into a winning article?
There are some really famous people on Youtube who get millions of video views and likes on videos. But, what's so different about those people than the millions of other wanna be channel owners who get few views? What...
Sometimes, I'll go back after creating a forum response and edit a few times, especially if the response seems off topic to what was being discussed. It's easy enough to get caught up in a side line discussion with ano...
Do you ever rewrite articles you have published in the past, updating with more current information or completely reworking the parts to make them more relevant? Do you consider this to be spinning or creating original ...
When you are writing for your blog or site, do you take time to edit and proof read your own blog articles, or do you pay someone to do so?
I would rather pay $30 for one really good, in depth article than $10 for a really lousy article full of typos and inaccuracies. Just one quality article is worth way more to my blog than a dozen hastily written/spun a...
Once I was part of this really cool general chat style forum. I liked the forum owner a lot and we became good friends. I posted there a good long while. Eventually, work got in the way and I stopped visiting the forum. ...
Many forums start out as an impulsive idea and then never go anywhere. And, you'll find these forums all over the internet, littering the super highway. But, some forums defy the odds and stick around for years. What ...
Some people are really successful at their freelancing work and seem to earn large sums of money. Those people will gain fans and haters and this is natural. The haters will often try sabotage. How do you deal with th...
Is there a way to anonymously comment on Youtube videos? Right now, I have to sign into my Google+ account but it would be better if anonymous comments were allowed without sign in.