On most of the forums that I visit, I save the password for that page so that it allows me to be automatically logged in or simply click the login button with the login fields filled out before hand. This is the easy wa...
There are numerous reports of Google spying on users, supposedly to improve personal experience with the search engine and to personalize other Google related services. But, some see these privacy intrusions as unnecess...
I'd like to create folders so that emails from specific companies will go to those folders rather than my main email box. Is this possible?
Now, when you mark an email as spam it also asks you if you want to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Most times, since I've marked the email as spam, I will tick that option. Though sometimes, I just want to not clutt...
Before taking vacation you should think as to how it will affect your regular buyers. Do you have any subscriptions that need to be fufilled while you are gone? If so, will you have access to your iPhone or other wifi ...
The only thing I do to stay hydrated is to simply drink lots of cold water and occasionally chilled tea. This helps me feel cooler in the summer heat so that I don't dehydrate when the temperature rises. What's your go...
While some of us use Seocheckout to advertise our services and earn money, others use Seocheckout just to buy services. So, for the most part, the buyer's profile is barren with no useful information (except for WTB off...
I like to play games online such as Runescape, Ninja Kingdom (Facebook) and also console games. Crochet is one of my favorite types of crafts. I surf freebie forums looking for free product samples in my spare time. A...
Do you offer any special perks or benefits to join your forum and stay as a loyal member that other forums don't offer?
On most forums where I have been a regular long time member, the most controversial topics were ones surrounding politics, religion or anything to do with gun ownership or death penalty. On your favorite forum (even i...
I was into gymnastics and ballet for a very long time as a child. And, at one point, we went to the circus and I became fascinated by acrobats and was determined to devote my life to that. Thankfully, I grew out of tha...
Once I found a backlink in a signature on a work at home forum to a blogger.com blog. And, when I visited the page, it said that blog had been deleted. So, I registered a blogspot subdomain with the same subdomain and i...
I like forums where there is a really friendly, not hostile attitude and people feel free to talk to each other as if they have known each other for years. I would love to find a forum on personal relationships and f...
Some days you will have to write, even when you're sick or not in the mood to write? So how do you get your content created even when you're struggling with writer's block? Do you have any special routine?
Sports injuries are very common for athletes and can spell the end of a promising sport's career. Did you ever suffer a serious or minor sport's injury or something that ended your dream of being a great athlete?
I've used my signature line on other webmaster forums to advertise my Seocheckout services and it has resulted in sales. This is especially useful when linking to a specific service that might be of interest to the pe...
There is an old saying that goes, "You will never work a day in your life, if you love what you are doing." Whatever you love with a passion is what you should be doing for freelance work as it will bring you joy and f...
If I start a discussion, I'm more likely to come back to respond often on that same discussion, rebooting it so that it gets more attention from others. And, if it's a discussion that I really like (even if I did not ...
In the ideal world, no one would have to lie. But, in reality people lie all the time. And, maybe there is a difference between the little white lies told and the big lies which can destroy lives. What do you think o...
Some of my best ideas come from print magazines such as Entrepreneur magazine and others based on business or social marketing techniques. It's fun to read how real world businesses are handling situations with social m...
I love brainstorming subforums on a site as they give members a chance to get feedback on various ideas they are thinking about. This idea works especially well on a webmaster/admin forum, however you could apply this ...
Would you start a forum based around a specific product or service? For instance, let's say you own a computer repair service for local businesses. You might create a tech support/how to forum that specifically focuses...
Let's say you have a beauty or health niche forum and want posts in those specific subforums, but most of your members post in the general chat area. How do you motivate members to move their discussions to the more rel...
Just recently, we decided to cut the cord with cable again and now only have Netflix for TV shows and movies. Though there are some TV shows online at free Hulu, it doesn't seem to be enough. Right now, I'm considering...
If there is a forum member on my forum that has actively participated in the site in the past but suddenly starts spamming, then I try to resolve the situation first before enacting a ban. But, for things like flaming o...
I try to never share personal or family information with anyone on Facebook. And, I'm very careful about posting personal or family photos even for status updates that are shared with friends as often friends of friends...
On the Seocheckout forum profile page, you have ample room to describe yourself and your services. I want to update this space to include more links to my services as well as show images of positive reviews. This is my...
Is there an option on Seocheckout for a seller to pin a service so it always appears on the top of their profile? This might be similar to the pinned posts you see on a forum. And, it could be a service selected by the ...
If you are a forum owner, you may want to check the originality of any articles posted on your forum as they could be copied from other sites. To check for duplicate content, excerpt a short line or phrase from the co...
Most people know about Copyscape for checking duplicate content, but there's also another site which could help you even more. Siteliner is a free service that lets you explore your website, revealing key issues that af...
One of the many things that I like about Seocheckout is the 'Promote this service' feature that allows you to get an affiliate link to promote a specific page on site. Very useful for promoting an Seocheckout super sta...
One of the most important things you can do when building a list is to communicate regularly with your subscribers by providing them with tips and other useful information related to your site or niche. If your site is ...
I love freelancing and writing online as it's the best paying job I ever had. I can't wait to see how big I can build my writing career online.
Any job you could do for an employer, could also be done as a freelancer. When you are a freelancer, you are in business for yourself, doing the job on behalf of a client that you have obtained. Let's think of all the...
Here's why you should never discount your products or services. Sure it gives you a temporary sales spike, but once you train your customers to expect a discounted service, they won't buy without it. Also, discounts ero...
Awhile back, I noticed how many of my liked pages were not showing up in my Facebook news feed, so I was missing many of the posts and updates being made. I can still see these updates when I visit the actual page that ...
Here's an easy way to share a photos you have posted to your own personal timeline with anyone, even if that person does not have a Facebook account. Just go to to the Facebook status update page where the photo is loca...
This free Youtube keyword suggestion tool will give you ideas on words you should be using to optimize your Youtube video titles, tags and descriptions. https://www.youtube.com/keyword_tool
For the past ten years, most of my work history has involved freelance writing, SEO and various web building projects. How would I go about putting this experience on a job resume for an offline job to show that I have ...
Do you have a favorite sport that you play during the fair weather days of spring and summer?