
Did you ever suffer a sport's injury?

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Did you ever suffer a sport's injury?

Sports injuries are very common for athletes and can spell the end of a promising sport's career. Did you ever suffer a serious or minor sport's injury or something that ended your dream of being a great athlete?


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No I have not. I guess that I have been lucky that way. Once though I did sprain my ankle while just walking lol. that was very embarrassing.

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When I was a child, I was very active in gymnastics and was constantly suffering from injuries. I am sure the sport left a lasting mark on me as some days I still have pains related to injuries that were suffered then. If I could do it again, I would not be involved in such high impact sports.

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i dont actively engage in sports so no injuries for me. i prefer playing computer games instead.

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When I was 16 or 17 I was in my school's indoor football team and one time a rival injured me giving me a kick in my knees when I passed him and then I had an injury and my leg hurt like a week, but I have never go to the doctor for an injury.

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Hi, Beverly I don't know if this counts but when I was small and was riding on my bike I fell and broke my knee, I was in a surgery for an hour. Doctors barely saved my leg, and now when the weather is changing, my leg hurts like hell!

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I only did athletics while a kid and I never suffered any injury as of then. I just felt fine doing what I enjoyed doing at that stage of my life.

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I had been riding my bike around our village for exercise because riding is more enjoyable than doing a workout in the gym. Sometimes I join group rides for long distance rides just for experience. But I recently quit riding because of a bulge that appeared on my right calf. The doctor said that it is a swollen muscle that is similar to hernia that when I exert effort the bulge will appear. I wear leg supporter for that injury.

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