What are some of the reasons you would fire a forum admin or mod? What could they do that was so bad you did not want them on forum anymore?
If your site has duplicate content, then you will want to make use of the canonical tag says Matt Cutts. If you are publishing either the same or very similar content, you should make use of this so you do not have any ...
Matt Cutts says that they do not have different algorithms for different web position slots. A question was recently asked Are results in different positions ranked by different algorithms? The answer given was no, the...
We all use the big search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.. but there are also some smaller ones that don't really get as much attention. Can anyone own a Search Engine website? Are Search Engine websites hard to m...
So I thought I would post a quick list of tips you could keep in mind while you are setting the price(s) on your service(s). Please have a read at them and they might help you get more sales and make bigger purchases. D...
Do you have any time saving tips for being more productive or working faster when completing an Seocheckout service on behalf of your client? Please share.
What are some of the advantages of using Bing Desktop?
Does your website traffic decrease during Christmas, or any holiday? Mine does. My traffic is mostly US based and my traffic has gone way down. I saw the same thing last year so I know it is holiday based and will return...
What if you have many small $$$ money freelance jobs lined up to do and approaching deadlines but then get a very large paying freelance job. Would you put the smaller jobs on hold to work on the larger job as it will m...
Do you structure your day or evening with business hours that you devote only to your freelancing work? For instance, if you have a full time out of the house job, maybe you devote from six pm to eight pm to work.
If I have a domain name that I want and it is not available I know that I can us others such as .org or .net. How many of you on this site have had to use something different other than .com for your domain name?
Hello mates... I had been freelancing for quite a long time but i wasn't doing good. I was about to lose hope. Five months ago i had joined Seocheckout . And i found that this is the most user friendly marketplace for bo...
What are some of the types of forum post spammers you have seen? Other than the typical leave a link spammer.
If you would like feedback or suggestions for your forum, please leave your link here. This would be a good chance to introduce your site to the community and get valuable feedback on which direction to go.
Have you ever considered turning your tweets into a digital (downloadable) ebook for your readers? What niches could this work for?
The following strategy may be considered "unethical" by some, but I don't really believe so. You don't really game the system, you don't take advantage of anyone, and no one gets hurt in the process. Currently, I only ...
Hello, Recently, there was an update regarding Level X. I have thought of ways to help Level 3 users achieve Level X more smoothly, and with more help. This tutorial/guide is a bit long, but I reassure you it will hel...
Here's what Facebook has to say about this enhancement to their news feed People use Facebook to share and connect, including staying current on the latest news, whether it's about their favorite celebrity or what's hap...
Writing a newsletter for your community is a good way to keep everyone up to date on the latest forum news. However, sometimes, there are private matters that need to be discussed with forum staff as a group. Do you th...
Is there a specific post count you want to see from moderators daily? And, how do you enforce a post count?
At what point would you close or lock a forum thread? For instance, what requirements must be met before a thread is locked?
What reasons would you have for firing an admin or mod on your forum? And, what steps would you take before firing them, such as talking with the person and giving warnings?
Do you have so many inactive staff members that it damages your forum? How do you deal with the problem of inactive staff?
Ten years ago, online sites such as Yahoo groups were very popular as they combined the best of email groups with forums (allowing members to respond to group messages via email or go online to the forum). Then came for...
How do you deal with it when your forum becomes too stressful to manage? What are your stress management techniques?
I've attempted using 3 different accounts for the 1$ free system. Every time I go to verify it says the account has already been used and sometimes it says this account does not quality. My accounts do meet the follow re...
First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving for those of you that are celebrating it. It has been a wonderful year and we at Seocheckout Inc. have a lot of things to be thankful for, namely you the community. In celebration...
This message once again appear every time I reply to a man interested to buy my service. This message was detected as spam. You could be using a URL or a Word which has been flagged as spam previously. If you were recen...
Step1. Create an affiliate account with clickbank Step2. Create a free account with animoto Step3. Create a Youtube account Step4. Choose Long tail keywords with low competition always Go to clickbank marketplace and...
I thought I will share this KILLER Twitter Trick with my fellow SEO CLERKS members, this is so freaking simple but yet so powerful that without using any script you will get thousands of people following you day and nigh...
Greetings to Members. I've not seen here yet a journey related to Adsense. My plan is just this: Earn money with Adsense using Pinterest traffic. Resources: *Plenty of images related to any niche *Many boards with l...
Yahoo vs. Google: Which Search Engine is Best?
On some forums you can get a custom designed avatar or signature banner made by one of the forum members. Do you offer this service on your own forum?
I love forums where I can login automatically. These forums are really easy to post on. And, I think other forum members might want the same. I want to find a way to make my forum automatically login members when they...
When was the first time you used Google as a search engine? And, what do you remember about the experience? For instance, was the search engine as good as it is now?
On some forums you can give the option to allow members to choose their own favorite theme. This theme is individual to each member, though there is usually a default theme. Do you offer this option to your forum membe...
Hello every one, i am having error then i send message to some one , i am unable to send message to any one , although time of infraction is expired but i still cannt send message , then i cannt make gigs or can't ask ...
Stumbleupon is a great social site which gives bundles of traffic for free. Its a great site for sharing your links in appropriate categories. After submitting a link to this site,you will see an immediate traffic boost....