
Types of forum post spammers

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Types of forum post spammers

What are some of the types of forum post spammers you have seen? Other than the typical leave a link spammer.


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There are many types of forum spammers. One of the more devious types of spammers is the person who looks for forum posts with questions that are similar to their own site content and then instead of posting an answer directly on the thread, they post a link to the answer on their own website. On the surface, this might look like a helpful link, but over time, you will see that the only site being linked to belongs to the person posting the 'helpful' link. So in that situation, they are obviously only on the forum to promote their own site and get traffic/backlinks and not really be helpful in any other way.

Not that linking to a reputable source is a bad thing, just linking to your own site (in every post where help is requested) is typically considered spam.

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Copying word for word another posters posts. That is one the same thread none the less just to get post count up.

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Mandy I have seen that on some forums and it drives me crazy. I just think to myself that the poster does not have a brain of their own to use!

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Copying word for word another posters posts. That is one the same thread none the less just to get post count up.

It's very annoying when that happens. But usually those posts are quickly deleted by watchful moderators.

Another form of spam is cross posting the same thread in every forum. This might not be advertising, but since it will have to be deleted by moderators, it's often considered a nuisance type of spam.

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right Beverly mods do a great job at keeping the spam at bay on most sites. However I have been on a few sites that just do not keep up on it and the entire forum is a mess.

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As what @Beverly said about the helpful links, that's what I also noticed because I am very careful when it comes to links. It has been my habit to avoid clicking links hence I suspect of something when I see a post with a link. Another kind of spamming is the mention of a website but with no link this time. If that mention of a particular website is repeated then I consider it spamming already.

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