
What could get a forum admin or mod fired?

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What could get a forum admin or mod fired?

What are some of the reasons you would fire a forum admin or mod? What could they do that was so bad you did not want them on forum anymore?


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Abusive or harassing behavior would be the biggest reason I could have for firing someone on a forum. If that person can't act mature, they don't need to be on my forum.

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Disrespect would be the biggest mistake a forum admin could make, whether talking back to the site owner or disagreeing with him in public in front of the forum members.

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Disrespect would be the biggest mistake a forum admin could make, whether talking back to the site owner or disagreeing with him in public in front of the forum members.

Once members see this type of dissension, they are likely to rebel as well and start with the trolling and bad behavior. Best not to fight in front of members as it sets a bad example.

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Once members see this type of dissension, they are likely to rebel as well and start with the trolling and bad behavior. Best not to fight in front of members as it sets a bad example.

Yes you are right and then if the bad example is set and others start in, you will have a huge headache to deal with.

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Disrespect would be the biggest mistake a forum admin could make, whether talking back to the site owner or disagreeing with him in public in front of the forum members.

I won't put up with a staff member abusing one of my forum members or targeting them on forum in any way. A forum is supposed to be a fun place or at least some place you can go to learn from others, not a place where you need to defend yourself every second.

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Cyber stalking by an admin or staff member is serious business, especially if someone reports your site for being part of it. These type of criminal acts can get the forum owner in trouble, if he knew about, facilitated or failed to act. Best to disassociate yourself with criminals before they drag you down with them.

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Lack of interest in the forum could be a sign the admin needs to be relieved of their job. You need someone who is tied to the forum in such a strong way, they will show up and do the job, even when no one is on forum, just because they love the site so much.

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The most common issue against a staff is negligence like being online but not monitoring. Another case is the absences particularly being away without notification or with no valid reason. Worse, when a staff becomes a traitor especially when there is an ongoing tiff with a competing forum. It happens, you know. Another mortal sin is getting at odds with a member or members regarding a topic. Diplomacy should be observed all the time because a staff is not really a marshal but more of an ambassador.

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