Are there any topics on your forum that are forbidden to be talked about? For instance, maybe you don't allow anyone to talk about forum competitors?
Whenever I eat foods that are high in sugar, I feel very tired or moody. Do you think it's related to the sugar or is it just in my head?
I like to sketch and doodle pictures on my notepad as it relaxes me when I'm nervous. This simple activity is so much better than sitting and worrying. What hobby or activity do you find to be the most relaxing when yo...
Maybe it's just me, but whenever I get very upset or emotionally distressed I end up getting a cold. I really do believe that it is possible to get sick from being angry. Do you believe this to be true?
Sometimes I have intense feelings of guilt or guilty conscience over things that I have done or not done in the past. I feel very guilty for neglecting my siblings when we lived in the same hometown. And now that we ...
Some days, I am extremely tired and exhausted from working very long hours with my freelance work. Those days it does not feel as if it's worth it to work as a freelancer anymore. I don't think that I'm taking care of m...
Dear Clerks, How can I get more affiliate traffic on my affiliate links and get more and more sales so that I can boost my earnings? Genuine advice will be really appreciated. Thanks gurpreetsaluja
Hello to all I hope is the right section !! it's been a while that I use Seoclerck and I feel good, I wanted some tips I hope someone can advise me on !! I have the youtube partnership is I would like to grow a little ch...
I got a call from one of my best friends today that I had not heard from in over a month. I'm just so happy about that as I had worried so much that she was not well. This is what made me happy today. I will have hot ...
I don't like it when people complain too much, especially when they have nothing to complain about. Life is not so bad if you work hard. But, some people are never happy no matter how much money they earn or how good ...
I'm a youtube vlogger!! I'm hosting an advice blog tomorrow. Any questions?
I like Youtube a lot, but I would not say that I'm addicted to it. At one time, it was the only way I could get free music and now I have Spotify, so I rarely use Youtube for entertainment as it lags my computer.
I spilled coffee on my keyboard and now might have to replace it. The keyboard seems fine now but occasionally it malfunctions. That's something I wish I had not done.
I post my videos where ever allowed including forums and blogs, but usually just my own sites. I have shared on Facebook and other social networks in situations where I thought my friends might enjoy. Where do you post...
Even if there is a safe way, I'm not going to risk it. Though I don't have the most subscribers as many channels do, I would rather have my few real subscribers than many fake ones. Would you pay someone for this?
Are there any forums or sites that encourage Youtube video submissions, such as posting links to your latest uploaded video? I would be interested in finding a place to advertise my videos to get new subscribers and mor...
So let's say you find a video on Vimeo or other site, (not Youtube) and want to share it on Youtube. Would you get in trouble for copyright infringement? How could you share without getting into trouble?
On Youtube you can choose to click the Water Later feature under the video screen to add to a list of videos that you want to watch later. This feature acts like a bookmark. Do you use th is feature?
What if you were totally depending on your Youtube channel for marketing your business and then it got banned? What would you do to recover?
When you have issues with your family does it seem that you are always the top dog and get sided with or do you feel that you are never sided with? Only reason I ask is bc I always feel like no one will side with me eve...
Sometimes, when I open a Youtube video and then shut it down, it will still be playing in the background, over top of my new Youtube video (so that the sound is over lapping). This is very annoying as sometimes I just w...
Over the past year or so, I've done forum posting gigs on numerous forums (from gigs obtained on and it's been really fun and easy work. I love doing this type of gig as I get to socialize and talk with ...