I have PayPal account and I am not sure if this it's safe. I'm new to this.
PayPal is the mostly used online payment processor in the world but it has its limitations with not being available in some countries. But there are other online payment processor like Skrill which is at least more ...
While I have not had an contact with ghosts in any form, there has been stories that they exist amongst us. To me, I see that as mere talk since this is all about someone being in an unclear state. Have you had any ...
I was informed about adding more than one mail to my PayPal account and I keep wondering if it's safe to add more than one mail to my PayPal account in order to avoid getting into trouble with PayPal. PayPal is very s...
Bitcoin is taking a nosedive lately with the price per bitcoin dropping as low as $4,550. What is really happening to the blockchain technology behind bitcoin? Is it still advisable to invest in Bitcoin? Will this nosedi...
Gmail and yahoo mail are the most used and popular mailing services that are available for anyone both webmasters and ordinary users. They can both be used to send and receive emails from any part of the world within sec...
I have an issue with my PayPal account not successfully completing a transfer transaction. I keep getting a notification of transaction unsuccessful, contact support which I have done and it's been over 24 hours without ...
http://prntscr.com/li6awp I want to buy this http://prntscr.com/li6bly But why I'm not allowed Balance payments when I have $ 6 and this is 5.50?
There is this whatsapp group that I joined whose aim is to read one book per week while the admin gives a comprehensive analysis at the end of the week. This has made me to enjoy my time reading some nice books like...
Hello Dear Friends Are You Ready for 25 December Like Christmas..Always start My Prepared for 25 December..
I have actually noticed this trend recently when it comes to giving reviews on any product or services received. Most of the times, negative reviews are given immediately the products or services are used and the client ...
Most of the times, families around this place start to save up some funds as early as September as they plan on how they are going to have a blissful and fun filled Christmas celebration. I have been saving up a bit...
In the past I started several blogger blogs. None ever got read much, even if I added a proper url. Now I think it is time either to delete them and save the material or, should I just leave them in case someone reads? I...
Generally, books are either written in either hard copies or printed copies and soft copies which are otherwise know as ebooks. Technology is pushing for more production or writing of soft copies and it seems that people...
In your opinion, which do you prefer? A person with skills? or a person with Knowledge/Wisdom? In this instance, I'm referring to skills as in something you train for. Whereas, wisdom is innate such as inspired or natu...
I would like to know if it's actually possible to track a smartphone device and how it can be done. I have seen this done in movies but can't really place how it's carried out or even it's possible. Is there a specifi...
Online radio is a digital audio radio that transmitted thru internet. I used to listen in online radio when I was away in my country. I could listen to our local radio channel even I was overseas. I liked listening here ...
In my experiences in life, I'm a long life learner meaning I stop go to college because of financial issues and then I'd focus on working and working and working but seems something wrong. Being a hardworker but still...
I was away online for few weeks and getting to see an outstanding 2200 plus unread emails. I have tried reading them but it's very boring clicking it in a singular order. How long will it take me before I can read over 2...
Have you ever tried using audio or speech to write your articles, posts or comments when carrying out any of your online work? For those who aren't familiar with what I'm trying to say here, there are some keyboards onli...
Hey Seocheckout Team! My Name is basically Ahmad Arafat but on this site, I named myself Zig Zag Designer because It's my brand name so today my question is why I'm not able to apply for payoneer mastercard in Pakista...
My man site is an page1 and the sites above me are: competition page2 newspapers Facebook of the #1 in this search Those are above the fold. That Facebook only has 200 members and mine has 8000 but I can't ever pass ...
Publishing and printing any book or poems in hard copies requires a lot of money and not everyone can afford to pay such even if they have something so good written. I'm well aware that some people have taken to online...
Just in case anyone is worried about their instant demotion to Level 1 today; Don’t. I checked it out with support and it is a temporary glitch caused by an algorithm update. My level 3 was reinstated a few hou...
I looked in setting to see if I maybe bumped something wrong, but can't find the link for setting the language. Is it buried somewhere else to fix that? Thanks
Weird things going on with the site. I wonder what they will boot. I see a lot of titles on the site alone that are iffy. But I don't like censorship. https://pjmedia.com/trending/liberal-muslim-lgbt-and-black-lives-m...
How can I leave a review for a rejected order? I feel it's important to leave feedback so other buyers can be aware of what they may be purchasing.
Hello everyone Price will never lie. If the quality of goods and materials good, surely the price is more expensive. On the contrary if the price is cheap, the goods or the product quality below standard. And, th...
Hi. I just found out that there's a ranking system here in SEO, but I don't have any idea how does it work. I'm currently level 1 and of course I am aiming to improve this. Can someone here enlighten me how does it work ...
Most of us know what prime numbers They are numbers that are not divisible save by themselves and the number 1. There is a new number discovered which is the largest in this category which has 23 MILLION DIGITS that ...
Hi, I want to add instant order button for my service, so tell me how to add instant order button? thanks.
How I can pay through Payoneer for SEO Clerks Services? Please tell I am from pakistan and Paypal Service not Available here.
Can you remember when you started working with them? What were the subjects you were addressing? What were your first steps? Did you have any external inspiration that motivated you? I started with a blog talking abou...
There is no doubt that having to give up some work is very frustrating, however... Sooner or later this happens to all of us. But unfortunately not everyone has a well-prepared mind to have to deal with this type of deci...
The interaction can be a big differential in this type of business, but not all the people who have projects like blogs / websites value this type of approach (because they don't like it or don't have the time for it, fo...
Establishing a daily routine for everything in life can be one of the aspects that will lead you to success (if you know how to take advantage of the situation), right? But unfortunately, this care seems to be neglected...
The business world can be very tricky depending on the type of business you may have. Big or small, the road can be treacherous, it can be unfair, it can be disloyal, it can be complicated among many other adjectives (in...
Hi simplyD: I am sorry you feel out of place here. I buy a lot of things on this site. This site is not a learning site people here are offering services to either build websites and blogs or do promotional services ...
A job well done is always the best option for those who value your own skills, but when your deadline is knocking at your door... Do you still continue to privilege the quality of your jobs or just meet the deadline is e...
Failure is something inherent in all people because we are all incomplete human beings in constant learning processes. If to this day you have never failed at something, sooner or later that day will come for you... So, ...