
Does the competition scare you?

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Does the competition scare you?

The business world can be very tricky depending on the type of business you may have. Big or small, the road can be treacherous, it can be unfair, it can be disloyal, it can be complicated among many other adjectives (in a bad way). Unfortunately, that's how things work.

So... When it comes to "competition", some things can get even more difficult because some people come in with full force and don't usually give a chance to their "enemies".

Have you ever felt this way?


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I think competition should worry everyone. No matter the industry and what are they doing, you need to stay on your toes and remain relevant and as close to the top as possible.

So yeah, competition doesn't scare me, but it does worry me. I don't consider myself the best on what I'm doing but I do believe I have enough determination to beat my competitors on most levels, especially on the levels I feel I have my greatest strengths on.

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On this subject, I think the same way you. People often seem to mix the true concepts of fear and worry (which are two completely different things). In the end, this confusion ends up misrepresenting the correct view of things making clear a lack of knowledge about certain subjects.

Sometimes what is a small problem can be big, and a big problem may be just a small one.

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I agree with you on the idea that you shouldn't exactly be scared of competition, but you should definitely analyze it and keep a close eye on it. As any true capitalist would agree, competition is a good thing. It helps advance technology and keeps up the production of new and revolutionary ideas. However, from the perspective of a business owner, competition is nothing to slack off about. If you underestimate your competitors it is all too easy to find yourself left behind in the dust. So while competition shouldn't be feared, it should definitely be a cause for healthy concern.

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Competition is good. Just like in business, competition is good. Your creative and innovative spirit can come out because of competition. You always put your best food forward. You give the best impression to all your customers.

Competition in education is also good. I have an experience in this. During my freshmen year I am at the fourth or fifth rank in class. The next year i am still there. But on my third and fourth year I got my first rank in the whole class. This is because of good competition.

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Competition is very scary. Everyone is worried about competition. Especially when your competitor has an edge over you in finances. Its really very difficult.

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Maybe worry is not the right term to what you mean because competition is actually a reason for a challenge. Take it as a challenge and not as a thing to worry about. Some business people that I have met said that competition is what gives them the motivation to exert more effort. Take the case of the malls now, the owner of the biggest chain of malls said that the business will not grow that big if they have no competitor.

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It doesn't scare me, but maybe it should. We never know what kinds of things our competitors may be up to. It pays to keep our friends close and our "enemies" closer.

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"It pays to keep our friends close and our "enemies" closer."

So true... Very well said. Does the competition scare you?

Sometimes this can be something difficult to learn depending on the type of person you are (some people learn slower while others learn faster), but this is like a golden rule and everyone should realize that once and for all.

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Competition never scare me instead it spur me on to work hard and do more.There's a saying that says he who run away from a fight,run to fight another day.So instead of me postponing to face competition headlong,I rather face it once and for all.

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Yes, you never know what you might be able to learn from your competition. They may be doing things that you can learn to do better. This is just one of the lessons we may need to learn while doing business.

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I strongly agree with you. Instead of fearing the competition we must face it head on. It should also motivate you to work and do more.

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I welcome competition for it is through competing that we become better. I always wonder why some people have that fear when there is a competing rival in the market. It is by competing that you discover what you can really offer and that goes a long way to ensure that you don't lose out if you're really committed to making it.

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I do fear the competition. As some of the time such competition has power to make you jobless and get your business off the market. And that needs to be taken care of in that context. Though world is now much bigger. And there is money for all of us. But the thing is that some of the time you have to work with the competition. And you have to get things in proper order there as well. That's how competition should be approached as well. That's something I have learned over a period as well. I think some of the time competition may be good and it tells you how that can be worked there as well.

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I am online seller and I operate in a highly competitive market. I always have to try my best to provide quality service to my customers so that they keep coming back and I need to continuously screen the market. Setting the right price can be difficult when you are operating in such a market. If you set a high price some of your customers may stop buying your products and if the price is too low then you may make losses. The main reason why I fear competition is because I may find myself out of business if I don't remain competitive.

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I love competition in article writing and forum posting. It helps me to improve myself in terms of knowing the tips and tricks from my competitors. Jealousy doesn't work, it is a stupid way to compete. Learn through mistakes in order to win.

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You said very well.

I think one of the good things that the competition brings is the fact that you can self-assess / challenge yourself to know your limits and how innovative you can be.

Of course not everyone knows how to deal with it / take advantage of it, but I particularly find something great (if you understand how the game works Does the competition scare you?)

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I actually think competition can be a good thing. It should definitely not scare you because then you are not operating your business properly. You should use competition as a way to try to continuously improve your business and to try and be the best in your industry. Always try to differentiate yourself from your competition which will help you because then you don't have to worry about your competition too much.

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Well, I won't lie to you, because competition scares the hell out of me, especially when I want to start off a new project , website or new thing and I find out that the competition in there is sophisticated, and this is a project I love and would like to do, but with the fear of competition, I would start feeling reluctant to do or continue with that project.

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Competition can be a challenge to everyone be not afraid and do the best you can do. Competition is a way that you can bring the best in you. Having competition is healthy, competition makes you constantly innovate. You may not always know what your strengths and weaknesses are until your competition points it out. Competition is not only good for your business, it’s good for consumers. This is so because consumers get the opportunity to pick and choose who gets their money, time and attention. You are able to learn from other competitors what works and what doesn’t. By learning this you will be able to decipher what plans and strategies or even products would be detrimental to your business. No guts no glory…

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Competition is everywhere and it's normal. I don't fear it because I don't actually focus on it. It's enough for me to know the background of competitors just to get ideas. I focus on myself. Our business mentors keep on telling us that we need to better ourselves everyday. You compete with yourself by consistently improving every single day. You always beat your best. You will most likely be at par with competitors if you keep on improving. Help the people involved with your business as well. Helping them achieve what they want will surely improve your business a lot. We rise by lifting others up. Winners focus on improving themselves and empowering people, while losers focus on competitors. Always look at the mirror, that's your competition.

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Competition docent scare me because I am doing it as a hobby and not a full time business. I view it as if my website makes money great and it not it sure is great entertainment. And honestly that's the way I should be viewing it. Because the minute my website becomes a job is the minute that it stops being fun for me.

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I have the attitude that I should give it my best, pray for divine guidance and just let it be. There isn't much else that can be done in my opinion. I mean, I'm well aware the market is often saturated, in fact, making it impossible for weak competitors and possibly strong ones also to have even a crumb of bread.

Anyway, though, I don't really like people obsessed with competition, considering they might be thinking foolishly.

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Yup, I really have hesitations to start an online business every time I browse the internet. I've got a feeling of doubt if I could stand out among those who are already established. I'm asking myself, what could I offer that is not yet available our there? Could someone notice for such a beginner like me? And I have the thought that people would choose what the experts are offering over a person who have just started.

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I understand you. I have been on that kind of situations before. I used to sell online and was hesitant at first to continue because some of the sellers has great numbers of buyers and good reviews. I have realized that no reason for me to worry as long as I have customers and I am giving them a good customer service then I should continue. I was challenged by competitors to gain my sales.

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I always have doubts and I do feel intimidated by competition most of the time especially when they already have years of experience against me. Whenever I have these thoughts I just remind myself that they were also once new to the field and probably also had to deal with their own set of challenges and competition. That said, even when I tell myself this I still have doubts so there's not much I can do but just bite the bullet and go through with it anyway.

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Off course no. I don't think you'll get a yes answer from anyone as it shows a sign of weakness and no one wants to be associated with that.

Competition isn't easy to deal with sometimes, but with perseverance and determination, some competition can be conquered. The truth be told, some competitive situation scares me a lot and I find that there's little or nothing I can do about it. In such situations, the best thing to do is quit.

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I will be a hypocrite if I wouldn't consider my competition to be a threat. If the supply is higher, the demand becomes lesser. It's just simple logic that we have to think about. Having a competitor is also an opportunity. It always measure quality over quantity. I always go for quality for this is always my benchmark for product and services.

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I had a pretty good experience in having my own business twice. Competition is real scary when it is already affecting your revenue. But on the positive side, competition should be taken as a challenge for you to enhance your service to your clients. And never treat competitors as your enemy. That may affect your business disposition.

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I don't get scared by competitions so far I prepare well for every challenge. That always makes me an authority everywhere I find myself. I make sure I drill myself to make the most out of things. Even for websites that rank higher than mine on search engines, I still consider my own website to get better ranked in the nearest future.

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Well, even though the idea of having a monopoly on one particular product or service, sounds attractive. An open market is most likely to breed competition within your niche (especially if it isn't patented). Overall, does competition scare me? I'd say no.

First, I'm a very competitive person by nature. I enjoy a good challenge when multiple like-minded people are seeking the same goals, within the same niche. Second, I also enjoy competition because it strives for innovation and constant evolution within the world of products and services for the public. So long as the competition is fair and everyone has equal access to pretty much the same technology, may the best person/team prevail.

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When it comes to business, competition does not scare me. What I do not like or at least what I am scared of, is the enmity competition can bring. I do not like being in bad terms with people but if the environment is not conducive for friendship then I would rather quit or close my business and open somewhere else.

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Literally, I have never been scared of any competition whether online or anywhere else. All I care about is my brand, my uniqueness and my home. I try to be very unique in everything I do online and make a difference in discharging my best. Content is what I love to work upon the most online and this has been the secret of anyone claiming to be very successful online.

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No - not really. I think my ideas are grounded in a good place and my mind is a solid factory of epiphanies and plans. I don't consider myself in competition with anyone and instead am focused on establishing a solid space and niche for my business. That works for my readers, customers and me. The truth is, every business needs to focus on building its own ORIGINAL and ORGANIC audience. Not stealing or sabotaging someone else's.

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The word "Competition" for me, is the word that would make your business even better, like it gives you the competitiveness and the challenge you're looking for on a business or other platforms as well. It is also a part of making or building a business, like without competition or competitors you wouldn't know what you're enemies would sell or the products that people have loved or liked on them, and you wouldn't know what you would sell or improve in order to beat them.

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To be successful, I don't think you can afford to think in this way. You need to think of yourself as an individual with unique talents to offer. Everyone is different and no one is the same. The only competition is with yourself. You need to be brave and believe that you have something unique to offer the world. I would also advise you to look for your own angle and not to offer what everyone is offering. Sure everyone is afraid, but do it anyway. Being brave is doing something despite the fear. Be brave!

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