
Answers from user spotondot

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Is it better to start a new forum as a hobby so that you can slowly build up your forum membership? Or, should you just start the forum with the main purpose of making money?

  • Hunter
    Hunter Level 1
  • 3 10 years ago

    I ordered a buyer but when he does not respond to me then what can i do?

  • justseo786
    justseo786 Level 1
  • 11 10 years ago

    Does your name still show on the Seocheckout members list, even if you are not a seller or have not actively purchased anything? Are buyers listed there too?

  • Riley
    Riley Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    If you had a ten dollar balance on Seocheckout, what type of service would you likely buy? I'm not asking for links to service. Just tell me generically would you buy SEO or backlinking or articles? What would you li...

  • America
    America Level 1
  • 14 10 years ago

    Hi Clerk Family, As I was working on affiliate link promotion on different social media websites, What I found today is that Twitter considers as malware, But it allows links to be p...

    16 10 years ago

    One of the questions that I would ask before hiring a writer would be, "What sites have you written for before and can you provide samples of previous work?" What are some other questions to ask?

  • Navarro
    Navarro Level 1
  • 15 10 years ago

    I need some advice on pricing my content writing services. How much money would you pay for one full page of website or blog content?

  • Navarro
    Navarro Level 1
  • 18 10 years ago

    What are your goals when you hire a content writer? Do you know ahead of time what you will achieve? For instance, if I'm hiring a person to write a blog post for me, then it's usually because I have an item that I wa...

  • Navarro
    Navarro Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    Not everyone is interested in writing horror stories. Do you have tips for someone who likes to write murder mysteries or anything like that?

  • Akemi
    Akemi Level 1
  • 10 10 years ago

    Other than articles and blog posts, what other type of content creation and content writing is there? Let's compile a list of all known types of content writing that could be offered for sale.

  • Faizah
    Faizah Level 1
  • 13 10 years ago

    I have only banked online for a few months, but already I'm enjoying the experience. I like how you can check your bank balance easily online or via mobile app and even have checks from employers automatically deposited...

  • Ethan
    Ethan Level 1
  • 7 10 years ago

    Seo related services seem very popular on Seocheckout. However, there are many types of services being offered here, not just SEO related. Which type of services are your best sellers?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 11 10 years ago

    I don't like forums where people are endlessly debating every little thing and can't seem to come to any agreement. Sometimes, I think they just like to argue and have no real intention of coming up with usable answers.

  • Caitlin
    Caitlin Level 1
  • 6 10 years ago

    I have been asked to be the moderator on my friends forum. And, so far, it's a really fun job. However, there are times when I am not sure what qualifies as a spam post. So far, I have deleted some promotional link po...

  • Caitlin
    Caitlin Level 1
  • 3 10 years ago

    What type of services or products sell best when advertised on Craigslist? For instance, could I advertise a link to an affiliate product or regular website or would it need to be a local service?

  • Griffin
    Griffin Level 1
  • 18 10 years ago

    Is it considered illegal if you fail to give all needed information in an advertisement that might influence a buyer's decision? For instance, let's say you are selling a collection of 20 books for $20 but fail to menti...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Should advertisers be required to provide proof of claims made in an advertisement? For instance, if a diet pill company states that you can lose 10 pounds easily in 30 days, should they be required to provide testimoni...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    I got a call from one of my best friends today that I had not heard from in over a month. I'm just so happy about that as I had worried so much that she was not well. This is what made me happy today. I will have hot ...

  • Lillian
    Lillian Level 1
  • 26 11 years ago

    I would prefer that members post in main content forums if possible, but it seems that some days they only want to post in forum games areas. Tips on dealing with this please.

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    Webmaster topics seem to be the most saturated forum niche as so many of those forums around. What forum niche seems saturated to you?

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    Today it is beautiful out. Just makes me want to go outside and do something but then I will not get any of my work done inside. Oh well I guess there will be time to go out later!

  • angie828
    angie828 Level X3
  • 13 11 years ago

    Do you have a favorite job as an admin or moderator? Maybe you like interacting with the forum members or solving forum member issues or just being on forum as part of the staff.

  • Daniella
    Daniella Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    On most forums where I am active daily,the forum flood limit is usually one post per minute or thirty seconds. and, this seems to be more than reasonable considering how it should take at least that amount of time for a...

  • Daniella
    Daniella Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    I still have files related to my various articles written over the past year, archived on my computer. These files usually contain excerpts of research as well as early versions of my article. Sometimes, I think that ...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 9 11 years ago

    I have gone up to a month in between getting a request from a long time customer for a freelance service. If I were depending on freelancing to earn a full time income, I would be homeless at that rate.

  • Keith
    Keith Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    If you quit updating your site's SEO, (such as stopped adding new content or backlinking), how long would your site still stay in Google search before it was removed or became obsolete and was replaced by other sites for...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 14 11 years ago

    When disputing a buyer's claim that you have not completed the work, it helps to provide some type of proof of work. And, this might differ for each specific type of service. For instance, if you are an article writer,...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    When things go wrong with a client, it's tempting to jump on Facebook or Twitter and rant about it. And, while it might provide a temporary surge of relief to unburden one's shoulders of the client's mistakes, is this r...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 15 11 years ago

    Google pretty much killed ehow with the Panda update and though it's been several years, the company still has not recovered (though they consistently rank high, but profits are low). At one time the company was worth $...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 3 11 years ago

    On most of the forums that I visit, I save the password for that page so that it allows me to be automatically logged in or simply click the login button with the login fields filled out before hand. This is the easy wa...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 9 11 years ago

    hello friends pls some suggest me Why is the Title so important in SEO?

  • Sharik
    Sharik Level 1
  • 18 11 years ago

    please comment below what is your monthly income from Seocheckout and the service you get maximum revenue....this is only for general information...i am just checking out who is the big gamer... just don't worry those w...

  • amy333
    amy333 Level 1
  • 12 11 years ago

    If there is a forum member on my forum that has actively participated in the site in the past but suddenly starts spamming, then I try to resolve the situation first before enacting a ban. But, for things like flaming o...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 13 11 years ago

    What do you mean by Content Management System?

  • nishantraj
    nishantraj Level 1
  • 10 11 years ago

    If the owner stops caring about the forum and doesn't want to be involved, that's a sign the forum is dying or about to be out of business. What are some other things that can kill a forum?

  • Briggs
    Briggs Level 1
  • 21 11 years ago

    Why we do SEO?

    27 11 years ago

    When soemoen claims to be able to get you 100 or 200 high page rank back-links from sites for a small fee, do you trust these types of services? Do you think the person can actually deliver?

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 18 11 years ago

    Would you employ a moderator just for weekends; someone who would not come by any other time. This would be to give regular moderators or staff a chance to be off of forum to spend time on personal life or with family a...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 7 11 years ago

    As with any community, there will be times when a popular or senior forum member won't agree with your decisions, such as whom to promote or direction for your forum. What will you do when this member makes a big specta...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 6 11 years ago

    One of my best friends online owned a Doctor Who forum and we all really loved it. This forum was so amazing. We had the best conversations there. And, though the forum had numerous misfortunes such as the databases b...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 1 11 years ago