
Answers from user hepismajli

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I bought a gig and I am not satisfied after delivery. Seller suggested rejection on my side so I don't leave him negative feedback. I am confused what to choose: I can pick "guarantee reject" that offers 60% money back,...

  • hepismajli
    hepismajli Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    How can seller gets guaranteed reject? as a example if we create 100k twitter followers gigs & if profiles already have millions of followers after then if we are able to deliver only half amount 50k followers. Also ...

  • parag4485
    parag4485 Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    I have to make a forum post about giving contact information via conversations and the nightmare of giving away your contact information. I shouldn't even have to make this thread but unfortunately I feel the need to pos...

  • Everett
    Everett Level X4
  • 19 11 years ago