On some days, I feel so stressed that I will not finish my work and it causes extreme migraine headaches and worry. My mind races with worry, wondering what will happen if I can't finish my work. I need to be able to har...
In the winter weather, my lips always dry and crack and sometimes bleed. Is there a natural or store bought remedy for cracked lips? They hurt so much now, I just want relief.
Whenever my tummy is burning, I use an anti-acid tablet. Though I don't like the chalky taste. What is your best acid tummy remedy?
Have you tried any at home teeth whitening system and if so which ones are the good ones to use?
Do you like to exercise? If so what is your favorite kind of exercise to do?
I am trying to grow out my nails. Any tips on how to keep them staying strong?
I have one Paypal account now that serves all functions, including personal (such as sending/receiving money from friends and family) as well as business (receiving money from freelance clients). And, I'm worried my acco...
I'm giving this freelance, work at home job situation my best effort now. And, already I have two local clients in my hometown. I feel as if they are very happy with my work so far. However, I don't think my family an...
I like to know everyone on my forum by their first name, even if I don't refer to them as that openly. This helps me to feel closer to my community and bonds me with them. And, it takes me past their avatar, to the rea...
Happy events on a forum always bring the community together. And, for me, there's nothing happier than a celebration. I love it when one of our members has a birthday or special event and chooses to share it with the c...
I have been on a few forums where fighting and drama caused a huge emotional rift in the forum community and it became the thing that sunk the forum. Not every forum community is strong enough to survive drama. I am wo...
This question is for forum owners mostly but also regular forum members if you want to answer. How do you feel about forum admins or moderators deleting posts? From the forum owner's point of view is this an acceptable...
I would consider myself an expert in some niches, but not others. And, when I'm on a new forum, especially one that is full of seasoned marketing people, I feel more nervous about bringing up questions which might brand...
A very big frustration of forum management is when there are fifty people online (both guests and members) but no actual activity. And, when you check stats, you can see that people are reading the most recent threads bu...
I don't mind seeing short one or two line forum posts if they actually contain good information as it doesn't take fifty words to give a good response. But, if someone is just leaving, 'thank you' and "you're right!" re...
Turning down freelance work means lost income potential, so I rarely turn down writing or freelance jobs. However, there are a few instances where it might be necessary to refuse a job. And, for this situation, I'm no...
Check Out My New Freelancer Website In Association With Seocheckout. http://www.rashin9.com
I have a swollen toe that hurts to even walk on. It could be gout I am not sure. It is red and swollen. Do I go to the doctor and have him tell me it is nothing to worry about?
Mine is Polycola because it enables me to search 2 search engines of my choice all at once. I really like this because it saves me time and fetches me a greater variety of sources. The only thing I don't like about it is...
How willing are you to work with a new or repeat customer to accommodate their budget? For instance, if your service price is usually $10 for an article, would you write one for $5.00? And, under what conditions would ...
Google might let Indie Music go off Youtube. Ninety-five percent of its music deals have been sealed . These deals that are sealed are companies that are using Youtube's advertising sponsors to market their music. But...
I spilled coffee on my keyboard and now might have to replace it. The keyboard seems fine now but occasionally it malfunctions. That's something I wish I had not done.
Some forums have a rule against lurkers, that is members who sign up and then only read threads but never respond. It's easy enough to identify a lurker. I understand how some people want to read over discussions awhil...
When things go wrong with a client, it's tempting to jump on Facebook or Twitter and rant about it. And, while it might provide a temporary surge of relief to unburden one's shoulders of the client's mistakes, is this r...
Google, along with Facebook, was listed as the best employer in the United States, according to a survey that was done by Glassdoor. It has the best pay along with the best benefits. Google was at the top of the list, w...
On most of the forums that I visit, I save the password for that page so that it allows me to be automatically logged in or simply click the login button with the login fields filled out before hand. This is the easy wa...
There are numerous reports of Google spying on users, supposedly to improve personal experience with the search engine and to personalize other Google related services. But, some see these privacy intrusions as unnecess...
I like my iPad as it's a work station on the go or at home when I want to relax. I like all the options it gives me for work or play.
The only thing I do to stay hydrated is to simply drink lots of cold water and occasionally chilled tea. This helps me feel cooler in the summer heat so that I don't dehydrate when the temperature rises. What's your go...
I like to play games online such as Runescape, Ninja Kingdom (Facebook) and also console games. Crochet is one of my favorite types of crafts. I surf freebie forums looking for free product samples in my spare time. A...
At Last I Have Created My New Affiliate store Check It Out http://www.Seocheckouts.com/. I Thank Murdock For Giving Me The Affiliate Script. You Can Buy It Here Affordable Seocheckout Affiliate Store for $15 . I Wonde...
In the ideal world, no one would have to lie. But, in reality people lie all the time. And, maybe there is a difference between the little white lies told and the big lies which can destroy lives. What do you think o...
Google must make some amendments according to a ruling from the EU. The European Union of Court Justice ruled that Google must remove links that are either outdated or irrelevant from search results. This ruling took pla...
Google is now selling the Google glasses once again. They are willing to sell to anyone in the USA. Last month they hosted a one day sale where it was said that the only time anyone would be able to purchase their own...
If there is a forum member on my forum that has actively participated in the site in the past but suddenly starts spamming, then I try to resolve the situation first before enacting a ban. But, for things like flaming o...
1. Article Directories This is one of the fantastic idea of increasing traffic and getting back links to your gig or work. I have seen many gigs which have shown up to get more traffic. People always look for articles to...
Google is thinking about deploying WiFi networks for cities that are covered by Google's own Google Fiber high speed internet service. This would happen next year, in 2015. There would be 34 cities that would be conside...
Google started out as a search engine, but now the company is associated with almost every type of website and service including free email, video uploading/Youtube, mobile, social networking, etc. How did Google grow ...
I don't really know what life without Google (search or products) would be like as I was not online till almost the mid 2000's. By then, Google Search was very well established in popularity with users. Though at the s...