
Answers from user Forrest

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When things go wrong with a client, it's tempting to jump on Facebook or Twitter and rant about it. And, while it might provide a temporary surge of relief to unburden one's shoulders of the client's mistakes, is this r...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 15 11 years ago

    Some bad habits that can kill any good freelance career include poor time management; charging too little money for work; spending too much time on one project (which causes you to lose out on more lucrative projects) an...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 27 11 years ago

    On most forums where I have been a regular long time member, the most controversial topics were ones surrounding politics, religion or anything to do with gun ownership or death penalty. On your favorite forum (even i...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 5 11 years ago

    Do you ever feel guilty when you are not working on projects that you have? For example I go camping a lot over the summer and feel bad that I am not at home to deal with my freelancing jobs as I don't have access to th...

  • mandy
    mandy Level 1
  • 11 11 years ago

    I have this serious problem. There is one buyer who have bought some service from me. He told me that he would buy my service regularly. Anyway the buyer is not at all friendly and I am having problem working with him. H...

    9 11 years ago

    Even if you don't price per hour, do you at least anticipate how many total hours a job will take and then price accordingly? So for instance, if a job will take four hours, then you would times the amount of money you ...

  • Ashlyn
    Ashlyn Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Any job you could do for an employer, could also be done as a freelancer. When you are a freelancer, you are in business for yourself, doing the job on behalf of a client that you have obtained. Let's think of all the...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 8 11 years ago

    I want to know about link wheel and how to use it.

  • siyasinha
    siyasinha Level 1
  • 4 11 years ago

    Work and play do not mix and are not compatible. If you are distracted by Facebook or Youtube while working then shut them off. Cut out the distractions as they have no place in the work day. If it's time for play th...

  • Jolie
    Jolie Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    How to be an eye catching Seller.

    10 11 years ago

    Some of the most common distractions or interruptions in my work day come from emails not related to work; Facebook; friends calling and even family distractions. What are some of the common interruptions in your work d...

  • Lillian
    Lillian Level 1
  • 13 11 years ago

    HelloSign offers a free electronic signature service for up to three documents a month. This could be a relevant free service to use, if you only have limited freelance contracts (such as those independently gained) and...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 3 11 years ago

    When you have a 'real world' job, you are required to show up at work or risk losing employment. And, sometimes that's true even if you are sick. When you work at home you can actually take a sick day without fear. H...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 13 11 years ago

    Have you ever hired a freelancer who was always perpetually late on deadlines but delivered consistently good work anyway. In that situation I would not be too strict on the deadline, unless it was very important, espec...

  • Forrest
    Forrest Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Greetings! I hope all is well! This should probably go in the Suggestion section perhaps, but... It could go in here too... Since there seems to be a fair amount of unnecessary feedback. Could there be some interest in...

    4 11 years ago

    When selecting a service to buy on Seocheckout, will you always choose the one that is the cheapest? Or, do you factor in other things such as the seller's user level; previous recommendations/reviews; response time, et...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 12 11 years ago

    I have compiled some questions that I am wondering how every other freelancer on here deals with them. Some are basic questions and others are ones that will require thought. Please take the time to answer them for me s...

  • elladavidson
    elladavidson Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    As a freelance writer, I have the freedom to work from home so that I'm available for my family as needed. That advantage cuts both ways though as it means sometimes I need to take off time to care for family when a cli...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 12 11 years ago

    Some people are really successful at their freelancing work and seem to earn large sums of money. Those people will gain fans and haters and this is natural. The haters will often try sabotage. How do you deal with th...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 22 11 years ago

    I order from ONE person when i need twitter followers ( @palash1987 )--he is AWESOME. Well this last time I ordered he wasnt able to complete (because of updating his system)..thats cool Ill just order from another high-...

  • pgnqueen
    pgnqueen Level 1
  • 9 11 years ago

    Have you tried using Youtube for affiliate marketing. For instance, maybe you created a review of a Clickbank product and linking to it in the description. Does this type of marketing work to earn income?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 6 11 years ago

    I don't want my subscribers seeing everything on my feed, such as videos watched or channels subscribed to. What type of privacy features are available to limit what public/subscribers see in my feed?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

    Is there a way to anonymously comment on Youtube videos? Right now, I have to sign into my Google+ account but it would be better if anonymous comments were allowed without sign in.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 6 11 years ago

    What if you were totally depending on your Youtube channel for marketing your business and then it got banned? What would you do to recover?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 7 11 years ago

    What do you think when a forum member creates a thread title and then repeats that title in the body/description of the forum post. Most times, I would prefer they actually take time to give a short backstory or explain...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    Is there any way to barter or trade for paid hosting. I don't want to settle for free hosting and a lack of benefits.

  • Hunter
    Hunter Level 1
  • 13 11 years ago

    In what ways are you using Google+ to promote your freelancing services?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 9 11 years ago

    Hello every one and thank you for reading my post. I'm and article writer, video SEO'er, link builder and I would just like to ask how can I improve my sales on SEO Clerks. I would really appreciate any help that you guy...

  • rozferotu
    rozferotu Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    How jealously do you guard your customers to ensure they come back to you, rather than going to your competition? Do you bend over backward or go the extra mile to keep them coming back? Or, do you feel like you have en...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    What little daily dramas (related to work or related to home life), do you have to deal with that take time away from work?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 18 11 years ago

    On Youtube, you can view videos and have fun commenting on other videos. But you don't really get a traditional profile page in the same way you do on Google+ or Facebook. And, the profile page is traditional for a soc...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 11 11 years ago

    Not sure why, but one of my Blogger blogs is redirecting to Amazon and various sites. I can still access the blog control panel to make new posts but when I go to the page directly, it redirects to a third party site. ...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    Do you ever use the default Wordpress theme when creating a Wordpress blog? Or, do you seek out a unique Wordpress theme to personalize your blog?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 8 11 years ago

    Blog reviews are one of the best ways to market almost any affiliate product. The key to writing a winning blog review is to make sure the review does not look so much like a sales pitch but more like a solution to a pr...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 3 11 years ago

    Today I came across a really amazing Wordpress blog, that is not monetized in any way and contains very long posts. The blogger seems to just be blogging for the love of it. And, with so many people talking about blogg...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 6 11 years ago

    What do you think of the community? Do you find the community to be as active or friendly as the Blogger community? Or, do you like it better?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

    Would you consider starting a blog on as your main blog, not just for backlinking or SEO? Have you done this?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    It might be helpful to include an FAQ on your blog to answer the most frequently asked questions. Do you have an FAQ on your site and if so, what type of questions do you showcase?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

    Today I came up with a really amazing blog name (which I want to use on a Blogger style blog) and amazingly (as obscure as it is), the subdomain is still taken. The subdomain goes to a blog that hasn't been updated sinc...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 5 11 years ago

    Have you used Google Groups to get out the word about your site or products? Have you been able to integrate Google Groups with your Google+ and Facebook marketing campaign? What's your experience using this site?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

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