It's been awhile since I was able to come by to update my discussions here and today when I came back, I found that I had 215 notifications or alerts on the Seocheckout forum. I don't really have time to go through all ...
If you had a ten dollar balance on Seocheckout, what type of service would you likely buy? I'm not asking for links to service. Just tell me generically would you buy SEO or backlinking or articles? What would you li...
I have only banked online for a few months, but already I'm enjoying the experience. I like how you can check your bank balance easily online or via mobile app and even have checks from employers automatically deposited...
I have some PLR themes that I bought awhile back. They belong to me, such as I have private label rights to brand them as my own and to say they are mine. Though I did not design these PLR themes. Could I sell these o...
My friends are always coming around the house and distracting me to keep me from working. I don't know if they are doing it on purpose, but it makes things hard on me as I'm always getting behind. What are your bigge...
What works best on Youtube, long or short videos? I don't want to bore people by having long videos. But, if the videos are not long enough, I won't be able to say what I need to say. What length should my videos be on Y...
Today I was notified by Youtube that there is a copyright claim against my video. I compiled the video from several sources, so noone has an exclusive right to say they own all my video content. I would not mind editing ...
I would like to submit videos to Youtube without needing to confirm my account. Why do they impose a 15 minute limit on videos for Youtube?
Seo related services seem very popular on Seocheckout. However, there are many types of services being offered here, not just SEO related. Which type of services are your best sellers?
This message was detected as spam. You could be using a URL or a Word which has been flagged as spam previously. If you were recently sending mass messages, your account may have been restricted. This occurs when i pos...
I was reading elsewhere how you are not allowed to include the words 'click me' in your Adwords or any enticement to make the person want to click on your ad. This seems counter productive as you are the one paying the ...
Check Out My New Freelancer Website In Association With Seocheckout.
I get most of my work locally from friends and people that I knew from college so it's mostly repeat/referral business. I don't rely on one off business very much. It's rare that I get a new client unless they were ref...
On Facebook, there is a way to memorialize a Facebook account for someone who has passed on. Is this possible with Youtube, so that comments can't be added anymore? This would be necessary as the person is not there an...
When creating your Youtube video, it might help to refer to other related/useful videos in the niche which you have created. You can refer to them by specific title and say where they are located on your channel. This ...
It might be a good idea to summarize what your video is going to be about in the first few seconds of the video to let the viewer know what you will be covering. This is useful to let the person know where you are going...
It seems very popular to give subscribers and viewers a nickname or act like the subscriber is part of some network. Have you taken time to nickname your subscribers/viewers?
One technique that might help increase video views for a video that doesn't have many views, is to link to it from another one of your videos that has more views or has become popular. In this way, your less popular vid...
Your video views can come from all over, not just subscribers. Do you prefer that your video views be made by a lot of randoms who happened upon your videos by accident such as search on Google or Youtube search (thes...
I think it might be useful to have several shorter videos, such as twenty seconds or less containing useful information (not just advertisements). And, this would be a good way to increase Youtube video views as someone...
When watching Youtube videos, I like to see a laid back or humorous style of Youtube commentary, rather than one that is dry and boring or overly technical. For an SEO related subject, I like Matt Cutts style. He's ver...
I always appreciate it when a Youtube channel owner takes the time to comment back to me when I have subscribed or commented on his Youtube channel. This shows me the person actually cares and is paying attention and I ...
Let's say you have a video that you shared with a friend of a private event or moment. And, this video was not intended for anyone but the person you sent it to. And, that person downloaded the video and uploaded to Y...
On some Youtube channels that I visit, they have an intro video that summarizes what the channel is about. Usually the clip is ten to fifteen seconds, not very long but includes basic info on the channel content and/or ...
Every site has their own set of unwritten rules or ways you should act when you are on the site. These informal rules are usually imposed by other site members, rather than formalized in a TOS. What are some of the unw...
I like Youtube a lot, but I would not say that I'm addicted to it. At one time, it was the only way I could get free music and now I have Spotify, so I rarely use Youtube for entertainment as it lags my computer.
What's something you wish you knew before you began your channel on Youtube? For instance, maybe you are finding it difficult to get subscribers to views. What obstacles are you facing now that you were not prepared fo...
I was reading how it's important to write a script before you create a Youtube video. But, I've never written a script. Not sure if this is necessary or if so, whether or not I should write the script or if I shoudl hi...
Are there any free tools for channel owners, such as video creators or other tools which would make it easier to create award winning videos? I would like to find some.
I post my videos where ever allowed including forums and blogs, but usually just my own sites. I have shared on Facebook and other social networks in situations where I thought my friends might enjoy. Where do you post...
Is it useful to purge your list of inactive members who have not clicked on links or bought products (through your link/site) since subscribing? These people could be considered inactives. Also, what is your technique ...
One of my videos was reported and removed for no reason. But other videos that are doing the same thing are still up on Youtube. What's going on?
On most of the forums that I visit, I save the password for that page so that it allows me to be automatically logged in or simply click the login button with the login fields filled out before hand. This is the easy wa...
At what point can you start sending advertising emails and promotional messages to your email list? Is it alright to advertise from the first day they sign up or would you wait?
What do you say to anyone that claims that writing is not a job? Why would you consider writing to be a full time job?
Are you completing at least one service every day? Or, can you complete dozens on Seocheckout?
Lately, the weather has been so erratic here, very warm one day and chilly the next. And, it's making it difficult to get much more than a few hours sleep at a time. I'll go to sleep in a very warm room and wake up col...
As a casual Youtube user (versus channel owner), I spend about an hour a day on Youtube daily, but mostly just listening to music. I don't upload videos very often, maybe once a week and that only takes about half an h...
We all know that in order to survive at freelancing, you need to have good clients. Maybe you only have a few clients, but are looking to get some more. So how can you successfully get new clients. Here are a few tips...