For everyone who has used their affiliate link to gain Seocheckout more members, do you find it worth the effort to advertise your referral link. I know %10 is a fair price, but how often does someone actually buy/sell s...
Do you allow or tolerate swearing? If so, how much and from which members?
Something that bothers me a lot is going to a forum and seeing usernames struck through with the BANNED label. What's your view of striking out a banned members name?
Did you ever get locked into a really lousy hosting deal or pay your money up front for hosting and later had a problem with the hosting and couldn't get your money back?
Sometimes I will archive my Facebook messages from friends but usually don't keep them more than a day or two. How long should Facebook messages be kept?
For instance, do you track when/who is reading your posts? Does this help you know when to publish on Facebook?
If you are on a limited disk space plan with your host company, you will want to make use of other services for hosting photos and videos. Do you use other sites to host videos or photos or host them on your own server ...
A friend of mine was bragging about having Cloud Flare for his site. Can someone explain what Cloud Flare does for a site and how it works?
Sometimes, when I open a Youtube video and then shut it down, it will still be playing in the background, over top of my new Youtube video (so that the sound is over lapping). This is very annoying as sometimes I just w...
Hi All I Want To Advertise Seocheckout On Advertising Networks:cool: Can Some Body Tells Me What Converts Best Thanks In Advance Cheers
Everyone has one asset whether they know it or not. Every seller here already utilizes that asset. Some buyers do as well. What is it? The first person to answer correctly gets $50 into their account, withdraw-able wit...
There are a few websites that have some splendid ideas or offer unique services, but the website itself looks similar to a standard forum or blog. This is an absolutely fatal mistake which is also done by advanced webmas...
I hate spam ads, especially on Twitter or Facebook. Those ads really annoy me. Which type of advertising would you consider the worst?
I've been advertising my newest blog for awhile but still can't find many backlinks for my site. Where are all the backlinks from the sites where I've been posting my links?
What should you do about a staff member who is perpetually disrespectful to forum management/ownership or rude to forum members?
Hi, Recently malware were affected my site,i not take back up after i did ON page,due to this problem my site will lose visitor and google analytic also shown me zero to rectify this problem.
The most I ever paid for a domain name was $13.00. Well, actually, I paid $26 due to a clerical billing error by the domain company when they double billed my Paypal account. This domain points to my general chat fo...
Have you considered purchasing and giving a top level domain as a birthday or Christmas gift? This virtual gift is perfect for a business partner or other person who might be involved in internet marketing online.
I started blogging about three years ago just to have something to do with my spare time. Now I blog for income. When did you start blogging? And, what's your main reason for blogging now?
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows of a good free live chat feature I can use on my website? I've integrated google custom search which works well but I really need a chatroom or chatbox.
What are some of the most unusual advertisements you've ever seen on TV or on the internet? And, did they make you want to buy the product?
Is SEO a form of advertising?
Many people get shocked about my number of tabs working at the same time, but it seems normal to me. How much tabs are you running on average? Here's a screenshot:
I love any action sci-fi/thriller. My favorite movies have included Predator, Predator 2, Pitch Black and Alien. I like watching comedy movies too. Talk about your favorite movies.