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malware affected


Recently malware were affected my site,i not take back up after i did ON page,due to this problem my site will lose visitor and google analytic also shown me zero to rectify this problem.


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Clean the malware ASAP!! It will take google 3-7 days to remove the warning. It happened to me before and is very frustrating.

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Remove it as soon as you can. I would hate for something to happen to someone's computer just because you did not take care of it.

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Tommy Matalino
I got that one before. Mine came from a certain ad that was published by our ad server.
Blocked that ad and asked Google to review my page.

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I ran a program to get rid of my maleware a year ago. It costs me $75 but it was so worth it.

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tionna do you know what the program was called?

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Tommy Matalino
I ran a program to get rid of my maleware a year ago. It costs me $75 but it was so worth it.

What program was that? Are all your pages affected?

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I ran a program to get rid of my maleware a year ago. It costs me $75 but it was so worth it.

Are you talking about a virus/spyware that was on your website or on your computer? I've not heard of software which could remove spyware from a site. Would be interested in learning more though.

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Tommy Matalino
Are you talking about a virus/spyware that was on your website or on your computer? I've not heard of software which could remove spyware from a site. Would be interested in learning more though.

If a site got a malware, you need to contact the host right?

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If a site got a malware, you need to contact the host right?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've never heard of a way that you can remove the malware from your own site. Is there a way, I'm wondering. Hopefully someone can say as I know it's possible to get infected on a forum, like if you download a corrupted forum software patch. That happened with a friend of mine who owned a MyBB forum. And, it spawned 10 pop ups a minute on his forum. He fixed it though with the security patch that he downloaded from the official MyBB site. I would not know what to do if that happened to SMF though. :/

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The first step to dealing with a site that is infected with malware is to shut it down to the public so that no one gets infected if they try to visit. Once the malware is removed you can bring the site back online and contact Google for inclusion into search results again.

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