What if buyer is also a reseller and buys from you and then asks for refund with no reason at all? Should you refund him?
This profile is locked and cannot be changed. Please contact support to have the lock removed. Why does my profile say this to me whenever I try to change anything?
I'm very eager to get my services recognized and for my profile to become some what reliable instead of this level 1 newbie, would it be a good idea to hand out some free samples of my services in return for some reviews...
Seocheckout staff told me that my account was in moderation (no withdrawals) for three months, and it's been two months so far. Why do I have to wait so long to withdraw? Is there some information that I need to give th...
Finding quality sellers at SEO Clerk has always been top on my list and yes I have found a few. Often through trial and error though. This is really not the way that I want to find sellers I really like. With the new ...
The 4th of July promo is a norm here. I believe it has been done for 2 years for sure, and I do not know if it happened before to as I have been a member here for 2 years. There are other promos launched over the year as...
Just saw the new Seocheckout UI, and it is awesome !! Lately Seocheckout staff is investing on their Website design which is great. how many of you guys like the new look ? share your thoughts
This is the first time round for me. And after trying to find a reason why he rejected it I still cannot understand why or find any fault in my work. I am a very precise person and after 2 years here I never had any prob...
dear Seocheckout member, i have payoneer mastercard.but i do not know how can i transfer my dollar in payoneer account??is it possible??if anyone know please response me
Is it possible to embed my gig page in a blog post on tumbler or hubpages?? It will be great to get it embedded and then get it ranked on google.
I wanted to open a discussion about buyer recommendations and about how they are good for your reputation here, on Seocheckout. When I first started, I didn't really pay attention to them, but now I try my hardest to get...
I just posted this suggestion in the discussion but thought I would give it its own thread too. I have seen a common theme in a few discussions. Buyers in general don't approve orders quickly or at all, leaving the...
Good day,guys am new here,i dont know may be this service suit here am into eCommerce
I am curious, as sellers do you get a substantial amount of buyers who allow orders to be automatically approved after the 5 day period? On average a third of my buyers do this and I do not like it as I prefer to get the...
I am a level 3 seller for quite so long. What should I do to become level 4 and level 5 seller?
Why does Seocheckout take 5-7 days to transfer money in Payoneer? I think they should be able to pay me sooner than that.
Why not other payment option here as like neteller or skrill, this payment get way is the most popular in online
Today I noticed there is a section called featured services, just below the news section. What is this section please? Is it only the featured services of the home page that get displayed in that section? Do general s...
I want to advertise my service in the community discussion. But I can't. How can I advertise our service in the community discussion?
The profile picture is one of the most important elements on your profile page. There are some people who change it often, while others do so rarely. I am curious, what do you prefer to do?
Is it allowed to sell stock photos in Seocheckout? I am sourcing these photos on my own.
I have search it from internet and got a points that classified sites are best for getting traffic to our services. but personally i am using few sites but the traffics are very less or its says 0 traffic. So what do y...
Hello I really don't know why but my services keep getting deleted without my notice I don't get any information or something like that when they get deleted. How to solve this?
hi How do I get affiliates that promote my services?
Hello i have been here from couple of years and i haven't seen this type of low sales rate in this month. I have only made 4 to 5 sales in this month. So what is this why are my sales down? Doesn't Seocheckout promot...
Hello i am wondering if i can bump 10 of my service daily? Is it possible to bump it as i know we can only bump 5 services in a day.
Service extras purchased by buyer but not added to order. What could be the reason? I am new on Seocheckout and my level is one, is this is the reason that buyer can't purchase that gig extras more then one, or something...
I was about ordering for a gig after filling my MasterCard details,i couldn't see my country Nigeria in the listed option. Why is it so? Can i still proceed with the payment using any country as replacement for my count...
In my experience on Seocheckout, I find that US sellers often offer more customer service then foreign sellers. Communication is better, and the overall experience is much more enjoyable. Not to mention, the services off...
I have many bumps, and I have just learnt that I reached the maximum I can have. At the moment it is not a good idea for me to bump my services much as I have many orders to handle and a limited time. So I would like to ...
I am curious, is there a maximum number of bumps one can have in his balance? I have lots of bumps accumulating as I delivered several orders but did not bump anything lately as I had too many orders to handle, and so I ...
How long does it take to get followers and how come the sellers never replies? I've messaged him at least 5 hours ago and still no reply
I have forgotten my secondary password. Also some one hacked my gmail and also changed password so i need to change my mail ......how can i change it? Please help me
Is it possible to change my username on Seocheckout and if so where do I go to make this change?
So this is probably a really stupid question, but where exactly do I find my affiliate link for SEO Clerks? And how do I add my affiliate details to specific services links here?
I enabled the quick delivery for 1 day. A buyer placed order, instantly I see in the order page, it is only shown 14 left. Can anybody explain why it is?
I check my service impressions, clicks and views on daily basis. I am getting views daily but honestly speaking not getting a good number of orders like others. Is this normal? Please help.
Wasn't this an option for people before a new feature where people once they had already purchased they could add extras to the order? They used to show in the top left on the order page didn't they?
A buyer purchased a facebook comments service from me. And I commented on his/her provided link.But During comments time I have noticed that some of my previous comments has been deleted.I asked that why you deleted m...
Hi I want to Increase my order on Seocheckout….any one of you can contact with me for help or comment me.thanks