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Whenever you hear of someone generating leads for you and your company you always think it's a great thing, until you sign up. You'll quickly realize that they leads being generated are from spam email campaigns and the company "generating leads" will say that any response they get from an email campaign is a lead generated. It doesn't matter if this response is "Stop Spamming Me!". These types of lead generation companies are shady to say the least and usually should be avoided. Finding actual lead generation companies are few and far between because the amount of work involved is staggering.
If you're starting up a company that is going to generate actual leads for businesses, you'll need to go over the few points I've listed below.
1. What not to do
Like I mentioned above, do not send out bland email campaigns to see what bites. This isn't like throwing a handful of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, it's much more difficult than that. If you're sending out 100,000+ emails to business websites and think that nothing will negatively happen to your website, you're wrong. You will usually get your email reported and people tend to hate spam so they will spread the word about your negative marketing campaigns that blow up your mailbox.
2. Genuine leads
A genuine lead takes time to acquire and then groom. If you get a contact form filled out for work to be done, you will need to figure out what type of work and how much they intend on paying. After you can get those 2 basic pieces of information you can then sell the lead for a lot more. If you don't figure out how much they intend on spending you won't be able to get a premium price per lead. This is because the buyer won't know if they are willing to spend $10 or $1000 per month on your services so if they are spending $100 per lead it could be pointless.
I'll usually pay a premium if the person generating the leads can get me a load of information. If the lead generator can get me the name, email, spending limit per month, if they will sign a contract and how long they would stay with us then it's a better deal for me. I will already know what I'm getting into and I basically just have to start doing the work I've paid up to $300 for a single leads, but that's because I was breaking even the first month and profiting the second
3. How to deliver your leads
This is a fairly simple thing because almost everyone has an email address. You'll basically be compiling all of your clients leads into an excel file and sending it over to them. After you send it to them it is up to their team, or the people doing the work, to contact the leads and get them signed up. I'm not going to go through this par too much because it's pretty easy to figure out how to send an email lol.
I have noticed that you'll get a better conversion rate if the lead is fresh (within a day). So sending the leads as they come in may work better.
4. How to get paid
When it comes to getting paid the best way to do this is just through paypal. Normally a company will say they want XX amount of leads per week or month and you will cap it at that. You will not send them XXX per week and send them a bill 10 times larger than what they agreed upon, that's just a good way of loosing clients.
Send them the bill via a paypal invoice and wait until they pay it. After payment you will then generate the leads for the company and compile them, or send them as they come in.
In conclusion:
If you do plan on running a lead generation business, be sure that you're legitimate and not sending garbage leads to your clients. If you think an email campaign is all that is needed to generate quality leads, you're dead wrong lol. Never send the leads prior to payment because your client could just decide they don't want to pay you and then run away with your money.
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There are no other alternative way except white hat SEO generated leads from search engine. If you try to generate leads from email campaign where maximum email holders are unknown to you- they will mark the website as a spam and search engine will penalized your website. Social media share and white hat seo are the good method now for generating leads.
Centurion Hello Have a wonderful day. There are no other alternative way except white hat SEO generated leads from search engine. If you try to generate leads from email campaign where maximum email holders are unknown to you- they will mark the website as a spam and search engine will penalized your website. Social media share and white hat seo are the good method now for generating leads. Thanks Centurion
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