I will optimize the speed of WordPress website or page, which will consistently score 90+ gtmetrix or google page insights.
WordPress speed optimize is very important because it affects your sales, ranking and many other thinks, such a good visitor experience, your need real visitor which site speed plays a very important role.
Why optimize website speed?
According to Google 2020 that website load under 3 seconds earlier and fully optimize On-Page SEO are ranked Frist in the Google Search Engine.
How do I optimize the website speed and secure of your site?
I will optimize the speed of your site with WP rocket Official Plugin. I will completely On-Page and optimize Robot.txt, XML site map file properly so that Google's boat can index your site well. If there is any error in . htaccess file , I will fix it, which will protect your website from Hekars, that will improve the Security of your site.
Completed Optimization using premium plugin (Save $74)
My Service
✔Magnification of HTML/CSS & Java Script File
✔ Image Optimize
✔ Cantante optimize
✔ Security Improve
✔ On-Page SEO optimize
✔ Could flare configure (CND)
✔ Browse Chasing
✔ Resize file