Autopilot Autoblog Automatic Website WordPress Interesting Niches
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Looking for a WordPress Auto Blog or Automated Article Posting Site?
I will develop a responsive single-niche or multi-niche automated WordPress blog that posts unique and SEO-friendly articles automatically. You’ll be able to promote CPA or affiliate marketing and monetize your site with ads — all without manual efforts.
Simple Automation NEWS website without spinner and translation 3 - 5 Categories
Automation with Premium Spinner and Translation Plugins 6 - 10 Categories
Premium Theme, Plugins, Categories, Google NEWS Submit, Adsence Pages and approval submit.
Earning Potential:
You can start earning with this automated website. With as little as a few clicks and page views per day, you could earn anywhere from $3 to $10 daily. Simply drive traffic to your site and start seeing results!
How Does the Autoblog / Automated News Website Work?
The autoblog will:
- Fetch content related to your niche using RSS feeds
- Automatically pull content from video channels like YouTube and others
- Automatically post articles, videos, and affiliate product reviews
Premium Package Benefits:- 100% Fully Automated News Site
- Unlimited Posting
- Site Optimization
- Ads Space
- Basic Auto SEO
- Speed Optimization
- Push Notifications
- Newsletter Integration
- Security & Anti-Spam System
- Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
- All Legal Pages Included
- Affiliate Marketing Option
- Google News Submission
Requirements:- A better hosting plan and domain are required
- Check out the demo before purchasing:
Demo 1
Demo 2
Demo 3
Refund Policy- 10% sales fee is non-refundable if you cancel your order (seocheckout policy).
- 2.9% + $2.30 PayPal fee is non-refundable in case of order cancellation (PayPal policy).
How It Works:
I will build an automatic WordPress website that fetches and posts content for you. The website will:- Auto-post articles from RSS or XML feeds
- Auto-post videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe
- Auto-post affiliate product reviews from Amazon, ClickBank, Aliexpress, and eBay
- Auto-post social media content from Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, and SoundCloud
- Auto-post articles from EzineArticles and Facebook Page Posts
- Auto-post articles based on targeted keywords
- And much more!
Your Benefits:- Profitable website with monetization potential
- 100% automated with no need for manual content updates
- Earn from Adsense or ClickBank
- Unlimited auto-posts each month
- Unique content with auto article spinner
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
- Unlimited support and revisions
- And many more advantages!
You must have a domain and hosting to get started. If WordPress isn’t installed yet, no worries—I’ll handle that for you as well. Just check the Extras section below to add this service to your order.If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to contact me before ordering. I’m here to assist you!
Choose Your Niche:
Please select a niche for your website from the following options:- Dentist
- Wedding
- Roofing
- Restaurant
- Auto Repair
- Auto Finance
- Real Estate
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Beauty
- Chiropractor
- Women’s Salon
- Men’s Salon
- Or any other niche, just let me know!
Once the website is ready, I will show you a demo link. If you’re happy with the result, I’ll transfer the website to your hosting.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
I ensure that you’ll be completely satisfied with the website. Contact me before placing your order to discuss your specific needs.
Please Contact Us Before You Order
For a smoother experience, reach out first to discuss your project.Follow my profile for updates and exclusive offers:
Follow my profile here
IMPORTANT: To avoid seocheckout' $2.45 Fee, top up your Balance with $10+ (Click HERE). Paying with your Balance funds has no fees.