
Fix Your Wordpress Issue/bug within 1-3 hours for $25

94.7% (19)
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Fix Your Wordpress Issue/bug within 1-3 hours

I will fix Wordpress website issue,problems,erros

I have more than 4 years of experience with word press. I am a pro word press developer and I have developed a lot of word press themes. I have installed plenty of word press themes and plug-ins.

✓ Fix the Responsive issues.
✓ Layout modification of word press pages.
✓ Word press Theme Installation & configurations.
✓ Creating custom post type and widgets.
✓ Woo commerce customization and updates - -
✓ Custom PHP work.
✓ Permalink Issued
✓ Word Press version updates

Note: This Service includes / fix one issue and includes one hour of my work, if you have more than one issue in your site, you can order more service.

have good communication skills and prefer to talk to client or other means of communication so that the requirements are clear and tasks are done as per the requirement.


Wordpress Errors Bug Fixing Bootstrap Theme Worpress Website Design Webdesign


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Fix Your Wordpress Issue/bug within 1-3 hours for $25 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 2 user reviews.
$25 - In stock