
create, fix, customize, your wordpress website for $30

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create, fix, customize, your wordpress website

Are you stuck with Wordpress problems you can't figure out how to fix?
Looking for custom WP development?
Need to migrate your WP site?Need to customize your theme?

I'm a freelance Web developer and I have 5 years of experience in PHP and WP! CMS.

I will help you to do what you want with your WP website:

★★ Fast Delivery ★★
★★★ 24 hours or less than it ★★★
►Theme customization
►Theme installation
►Site Design and Layout
►Any WordPress Plugin setup/configuration
►Any PHP error
►Woocommerce customization
►Widget Area
►Custom style for anything
►Background, Header, Footer
►Remove unnecessary meta-data
►Change the Permalink Structure
►Disable HTML in WP comments
►Turn off Post Revisions in WordPress
►Hide Errors on the WP Login screen
►Favicon & Logo customization
►Improve the Security of your WordPress website
►wordpress SEO
wordpress website speed and Performance Optimization
►Any type of common WordPress Errors
►Much More ...

**Please send me a message before you make an order. Its very important !
We should discuss first about what you need. I always do a quick reply.


Word Wordpress Themes Theme Plugin Seooptimizatio Seo We Website Webdesign Webhosting


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$30 - In stock