Youtube Live xXStreamer v2.0Give me your ID! -> KxCtPTWapcs <- is this what you want
No that's fine I will approve plz dm me
Tôi chưa được kích hoạt
Great software, thanks!
sorry... where can i find my live stream video ID?
Good Job! Is working in VPS. Many Thanks
stable 20-30
Good communication.
Program works as promised, haven't tested it out yet But everything looks great worth the $38. If a comment bot comes to the future I think this guy is the go to. looking forward for future updates
Nice guy and nice video, He give you all what you need to get started, And I got the software activate it very fast, After you buy the software you can ask him all what you need about this and he reply fast. Best regards mate
Funcionando perfeitamente!! muito obrigado!! recomendo