Thank you so much for your honest feedback
thanks and waiting for next project
URLs of... ? The 2 official tools provided in the delivery are the only possible proof of work, without the analytics shown there it wouldn't be possible to provide a proof of work. That's how the social network is set to work.
I really enjoyed working with you. What a great buyer with great communication. Really
professional & experienced buyer. Thanks again for putting your trust in my
service &
waiting for more and more order.Thanks
Oh sir i am sorry please give me some time.
It was a real pleasure to work with the client. Warm attitude, strict notes, fast communication. It was great. I'd love to work with him again. Thank you! Have a blessed and wonderful week!!
I really enjoyed working with you. What a great buyer with great communication. Really professional & experienced buyer. Thanks again for putting your trust in my service & waiting for more and more order.Thanks
It was a real pleasure to work with the client. Warm attitude, strict notes, fast communication. It was great. I\'d love to work with him again. Thank you! Have a blessed and wonderful week!!
Hey sir prithvirockson,
I did all best work for the links are not removing these are going on another page if new comments come then the old comments are go on another page.
This is not a problem google bot crawl the complete page but you don't know. If not have much knowledge about SEO learn first then come here to place order.
One more thing if you need refund come inbox will be 100% refund and again when you place order on any service learn first how to check it then buy it.