BUYING: HitLeap Account with Minutes! Our Budget: 35 MAX Please post your m...
Thank you. Great buyer
good buyer.
Thank-you so much, we truly do appreciate our loyal customers who have followed us over to this new (and much better) site. Cheers!
Thank-you again, we look forward to continuing all of our regular business with you. Cheers!
Thank-you for your loyal business, we appreciate it. Cheers!
I recommend mediachange, they have helped us out for a long time on other websites. Incredibly fast, quality social media services and management! We will DEFINITELY be purchasing and trying out all of their services once they upload more onto this website. Cheers!
We delivered order on time. We have been sending messages to the buyer but no reply. Order was delivered and completed on time. After 1 month of order completion the buyer is saying that addmefast points were not used and the account was banned.