i have a custom shirt company http: hutchinsonscofield.com . I would like t...
Littledee did an excellent job with my blog post. She delivered the blog post fast and was friendly.
Thank you Littledee!
Hello, thank you for thr superb article. There is no doubt you put time and thought into writing this as oppsed to just using an Ai writer which many sellers seem to use these days. Ai writers can easily be noticed but your article has a human element to it which the search engines prefer. They can also increase SERP ratings. your work is greatly appreciated and I will be buying many more in the future.
Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
Order delivered 3 days earlier than expected. Content requested was researched and well written - only a few minor typos but nevertheless, acceptable. Good work and hoping to order again soon. Cheers!
I have a lot of mixed thoughts about this order. I've hired dozens of writers for my media company, and the quality of this article is as good or better than the writers I've hired on Upwork for .01-.05 cents/word. So in that regards it's definitely a great deal for the cost! I've just sent it over to my editor and I expect it will need some moderate to heavy editing to bring it up to my standards (which are very high). Just a couple of examples of technical mistakes include a header that reads "How does it cost?" instead of "How much does it cost?". And here's an example of a poorly structured (and gramatically challenged sentence) that sounds like it was probably spun: "While yourfellow friends or other people have probably done it, you will surely want tomake sure that you have gotten yourself informed before proceeding to conduct the activity." The general flow of the article for user intent was decent. I would venture to say it could be excellent if she would be willing to follow a writing template (which I would provide). My team can handle grammatical errors and fixing a bad sentence here or there no problem. But, I was unable to find out if that is something she would be willing to do becuase she won't answer my emails. I sent the first email a few days prior to ordering. When I didn't hear back I placed an order theorizing that she was probably busy, but would definitely repsond to a paying customer. I asked if I could send over a writing template in the initial order also letting her know I had lots of work for her if we could work something out and she never got a response. I came back on when the article was due and it showed it was late and I had the option to cancel or send an email, so I sent her another email to check in on the order, and never heard back. Today the article was delivered and still I've heard nothing from littledee about any of my messages. I'm giving her a thumbs up simply for price vs. quality. .
Hi Littledee, Thank you so much for your great work, I just had to change a few words to UK English. I have the layout the article and its looking good I just need to create a few images and hyperlinks to the content and its ready. I am pushed for time and this keeps my site staying relevant. As soon as I can find other topics I will get back to you. Chris