The backlink you provide does not match what you are promoting
this is not a premium backlink, too many sidebars
really thanks
hello can you help me to group the types of backlinks in your report?
because I really had difficulty checking it
hi, i didn't see keyword in this domain
can you check it please
ok thanks
thank you
I recommend this because it is the best value for money. The product description is correct. Links are all high DA. I was worried about the spam score, but there is no spam♥? This is amazing. Thank you Kaarina!
Honestly. I love your wonderful job you did cause your job worth more than the gig you specified to it. I recommend you to new buyers because you're one of the best among the seller your experience is awesome you're born to do this job because you do it with a beautiful experience. I vote you 5 Stars ???? and I give you ????+1 ?? I need more ...
Excellent job on links! Are actually on subdomain, but DA 94, PA 73 on subdomain home page and PA in 40's on my post page, with tons of links and great TF/CF as well makes these great links for the money. Highly recommend. Thanks Mubashir!
10/10 for the service. Response was great and explanation was given. Support was also given after the order. Will definitely order again in the future. Keep it up the good work!
Service is good, but most of the links are from already spammed pages. So don't expect much-ranking fluctuations from it. If you are looking for links for tier-2 or tier-3 blogs, then you can get this. What else you can expect from $1? Good