READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY Either you can deliver 10,000 subs in 10 ...
READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY Either you can deliver 40,000 subs in 60 ...
Either you can or you can t. You MUST be able to communicate effectively an...
Me: an established Youtube channel You: able to communicate effectively and...
Me: an established Youtube channel You: able to communicate effectively and...
Can you deliver 50K in subs for Youtube in two months 60 days? Not 10 subs,...
Can you deliver 10K in subs for Youtube in a week? Not 10 subs, Not 100 lik...
Maybe the fourth time will be the charm? Wanted - 75,000 75K subscribers fo...
Wanted - 75,000 75K subscribers for an established Youtube channel, deliver...
Wanted - 80,000 80K subscribers for an established Youtube channel, deliver...
Wanted - 100,000 100K subscribers for an established Youtube channel, deliv...
Good Buyer
Thank you for your order!
Thanks you are best sir
Thank you So much, Hope will work soon.
Thanks and see you again
thank you
Really Good Buyer. Thanks for shopping. It was my pleasure working with you. I highly recommend, so helpful.
We hope to see you again soon.
Really Good Buyer. Thanks for shopping. It was my pleasure working with you. I highly recommend, so helpful. We hope to see you again soon. ?????
Very Bad Buyer

Next Time Not Ordering
This Order Complete
Just 100 Like Due
Youtube Has New Update
Youtube Like Not Working Very Slow
But Buyer Not understand
My Money Back $4
But Money Cut $27.5
i am non happy this buyer