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Buyer Reviews


3 reviews

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10 years ago

I think you are a newbies and you know nothing about backlinks you should have ask me to. Teach you dum head and I would have explain it to you dum should recheck your backlinks allbacklinks are linked to your site Thanks for your reviews hope you order more and let me teach you and giving me bad recommendation so i know no you are a dum head you sould have tell me and this links isnt link to your site i rechecked all the links they are linked to your site as social bookmark;;;;;;you kn

10 years ago

This is the stats for backlinks in November on majestic and AHREF\'s, I don\'t know if you are using any other link service other than mine.I can see many links already indexed and more will be indexing in future as links are in drip feed indexing mode.


10 years ago

I think you are a newbies and you know nothing about backlinks you should have ask me to. Teach you dum head and I would have explain it to you dum well. Thanks for your reviews hope you order more and let me teach you


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