
I want "Put my ad your website" I will give "SEO Backlinks Campaign"

I want "Put my ad your website" I will give "SEO Backlinks Campaign"


we need any kind of ads to our website,
- image banner in your website/blog
- text ad in your website/blog
- any other kinds of ads you may offer

* we may trade a monthly ad, with monthly campaign

Will Trade

I will give you any kind of backlinks:

- wiki backlinks
- social backlinks
- blog comments
- forum posting
- .edu backlinks
- do-follow high PR backlinks

I want to make a real long-term trade for service you may offer with what I can do

Skills Required

website webmaster webmasters

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hi there can i see your website ?
to make you an offer

we would like to see your website. honestly, our website is slowing down and we need for it to pick up. we will do a sidebar banner for 30 days in exchange for something that will not affect our adsense account and drive traffice. this is our link:[


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Make an Offer Created 12 years ago in Link Development

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