
I need urgently a website to be on the page 20 of google with 4 keywords

I need urgently a website to be on the page 20 of google with 4 keywords

I need to be on the page 20 (Not place 20) on google with these keywords: rugs, carpets, handcrafted, design..
I need this to be done as soon as possible. It is not hard since is page 20 of google (between page 15-20)... For this I will pay 150-200USD

Will Trade

I will give you the website and the keywords.

Skills Required


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need to a bit more specific.please come to my inbox

  • Media
    ibuyer Level 1
  • hello,

    i can do this job properly and on time.please message me if you are interested.i will wait for your reply.


  • Media
    jatinderdeep Level 1
  • i can fulfill your requirements

  • Media
    prindra Level 1
  • hello,

    i am having more then 5 years of experience in seo, so i can do this task very quickly.

    let me know if you are interested.


  • Media
    larry83 Level 1
  • Make an Offer Created 12 years ago in Link Building

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