
I will design complete website using best theme after finding the best niche, keywords, SEO analysis for $30

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I will design complete website using best theme after finding the best niche, keywords, SEO analysis

First of before starting the description I would like to introduce myself, I am
SEO experts and having long term experience in this field specially keywords
research and competitive analysis. I have done number of projects relative to keywords
researches. If you have any keywords research Task you are mostly welcome.
What is Seo?

Seo is the process which is usedto improving the content by optimization for ranking the website. Seo is not
the simple process, it is required the experience, time, researches, management
and analysis process to achieve the require goal. Hard work is required to rank
the website and maintain its value. In this field hard work is called Seo
expert abilities.

What is niche?

You can say Niche is your specific topic or market that youwant to target by making the website. 75% people lose their
investment/potential due to selection of Wrong Niches. They don’t know the
potential of niche even don’t know about the profitability and profitability
analysis of their niches.
The requirement I want from you:
I just need your idea to find the best niches for developingprofitable your website/ecommerce store.

I will help you in this field by:

· Selectthe best Niche.

· Findthe potential of your Niche.

· Dothe profitability analyses of you Niche.

· Then provide you best Niche for you site whichis targeting to one of these Affiliating, adsense, Services, CPA, click bank,
Amazon Affiliating and ecommerce.

What is Keyword and keywords research?

Keyword is just simply define you niche. You can say keywordis consisting on phrase or terms that explain the niche. I will like to share
some examples,
“ Best dog feed under $75”
“ Affordable weight lose diet “.
These are just Example there are a few categories of keywords according to my
experience . My purpose of work is to provide the best Category of keywords to
rank the website and increase the popularity of your sites. 90% people fail due
to using of unusual and most competitive keywords or ignoring the competition
of market which is targeting in their websites.

Keywords research helps us to find the best keywords for ourniche. After the selection of best niche the keywords research should be
competitive and comprehensive to obtain the set goal.

The requirement I want from you:

I just need a seed keyword to find the best keywords foryour niche.

How can I help you in this segment?
I will help you in this field by:

· Find out the popularity of keywords

· Gathering the keywords relative your niche.

· Analyzing and Research the all things requirefor your site or Niche growth..

· Collect the all best keywords for you site Nicherequire start and middle for site growth.

· Then provide you best keywords for you sitewhich is targeting to one of these Affiliating, adsense, Services, CPA, click
bank, Amazon Affiliating and ecommerce.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is back bone of the success and growthof website. Someone cannot successful until he know the competitor activities
and all things he is trying to beat to maintain the website position. In
completive analysis we just find out the shortcomings of our competitors. Competitive
analysis is the next step after selection of niche/market and collection of
best keywords.
I will also provide the facility of competitive analysis.
“Don’t worryabout the giant and branded website you can beat them.”
At the end, I would like to say don’t worry about work. You are at right
platform to select best and responsible person for your task.
If you have any confusion you can ask me without any hesitation.
Kindly contact me before placing the task and read out my description

Website designing using best theme:

I will design the amazing the website using best theme whichwill shing your site. You can hire me just for a website design if you have

Speed optimization:

I will optimize your website speed.


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$30 - In stock