
Social media post/video comments

Social media post/video comments

I have a particular social media video going live in the not so distant future. In order to promote this video, I am looking for social media experts, able to make comments on other posts around, with a link to that particular video.


- Good english
- Social media accounts, more specifically YouTube accounts
- customization available
- Multiple accounts available

Skills Required

english youtube comments smm social media


i truly want that your service will be fulfilled, sir, if possible .
order me

hello sir,
special i will give you 10 youtube video hight quality comments only for $3. real, active, 10 year old account and most be non-drop. so, please order me.....

25 you tube social media post/video comments

hello how many comments do you need daily i will make a details comment with many different accounts per your requirements

Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Youtube

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