Taking a YouTube video channel past 5000 hours watched as simple as that. Splitting the hours watched across the videos available in the channel. These hours will need to come with a %100 lifetime guarantee so that if the channel suddenly loses those views watched they can be replaced. (within reason, for 3-6 months they need to remain) the team providing the service needs to show an example that they know what they are doing or have a great reputation on this site doing services of this type and know how to avoid current issues with services of this type that maybe result in an account being flagged.
Pass the 5000 watched hours on the channel
i can provide you 4000 hours watch time with any additional hours you need. the price for 4000 hours package is $90.
you can also add 1000 subscribers in $60. the watch time will be of high quality with high retention. non drop views guaranteed or i will replace them for free if dropped within 60 days.