I need 20000 non drop YouTube video views and 1000 non drop YouTube Subscriber for $30 with high retention watch time.
If you can't provide what I asked please don't bid on this project otherwise I will report spam.
If you are honest and can provide this service as a test then I would come up with new client for sure
and will reorder again and again.
So First understand my expectation then bid on this project. This is a Test for those who willing to earn more money from more order.
I am claiming myself as RESELLER but this project is only test. If you pass then you will be hired for more order.
Provide 2 day trial and show us your work so we can order.
No bots, No Proxy, Only original views and subscriber with active user from original IP.
Views from Bangladesh and India only. (Bangladesh 70%).
Watch time should be more than 1 minute and Subscribe should be real and active user.
If you are not able to serve what I have asked then no need to bid on this project.
seocheckout Level 2+ user preferred with 100% positive feedback from other clients.
Provide 2 day trial and show us your work so we can order.
Thanks for your understanding.
Youtube Youtubeseoskil Youtubeservice Youtubeviews Youtubesubscri
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