
YouTube Method/Script/Bot

YouTube Method/Script/Bot

I need a bot to increase youtube views.

Must not need proxies.

Must be able to spoof refferer as social media sites.

Use fiddler to inspect http requests; while browsing using a spoofed user-agent (ipad/iphone4/android).

The URL's that record views involve

Everything has to be randomized - to prevent detection from youtube.

There is Currently a YouTube Mobile View Method Floating Around That Has Really Good Retention Rate And is Able to Do Some Pretty High Views Per Day. Post Offers Below Only if You Have This Bot/Method/Script or if You Know How it's Done.

--- Please Don't Offer Bots Which Include The Use of Proxies! ---


Should be able to deliver millions of view
Must be safe.
I will check bot/script first

Skills Required

Youtube Php Bots Software Script Scripts


website name liketools i have script for increase youtube views
likes and unlikes and subscribers too
give you the script to easy for use :-

i have 4 bots for youtube views and comments and i software for proxies scrapers
too easy for use

Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Youtube

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