
Permanent 3k High Retention YouTube Views

Permanent 3k High Retention YouTube Views

Looking for a High Retention YouTube Views Provider. I cannot stress enough that the views should be High Retention and non-droppable. If you can't provide it then don't bother bidding, I hate liars and scammers and I'm pretty sure about 80% that did have already met their Karma specially the one that has one of his legged amputated because of a car accident.


Service should be Guaranteed as well as the Requirements.
* Permanent
* High Retention
* Permanent/Non-droppable
* Traffic Source/Referral: Social Media, Google or Youtube
* Splittable to 3 videos.

Skills Required

Youtube Youtubeacoount Youtubeseoskil Youtubeservice


please sir order me now
so i am ready for your order

3k hr youtube video views


i can provide high retention views at a price of 2$/1000 hr views. it usually takes 1-3 days to receive your views.

plz order me now

sir,i will give you real and non drop 3,000 you tube views.i instant start . i am a honest and trusted please order me now.

please sir order me now
so i am ready for your order

i give you 100% real & non drop 2k+ hq youtube views.
please sir, order me.


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Youtube

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