
Whiteboard Animation AD

Whiteboard Animation AD

Looking for someone to do a whiteboard animation advertising a Solar Company and solar benefits , for me to place on my website. The voice over can either be male or female, but I prefer a female voice. If I can get a child's voice then it would be ideal!

Looking forward to your responses.


Want a whiteboard animation for my solar company based in the Caribbean. A video file suitable for my website and to post on Youtube .
The ad must show the benefits of going solar for domestic homeowners in a region where electricity prices are exorbitantly high , as well as government rebates and incentives, for those who choose to go solar.
Will supply an example of the type of vid I want to the bidder.
A short vid , no more than 8 minutes long.

Skills Required

Whiteboardvide Good Correct English


with background music and free revision, pm

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Video

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