
Clean HTML website and make score 90 on google speed test

Clean HTML website and make score 90 on google speed test

I will provide you with HTML files.

I want you to make the website speed test on google lighthouse 90+ by cleaning & mini zing the css html and java script files and optimizing images files

Current website live on:


get lighthouse score at least 90+ , optimize html files for good yslow & google lighthouse score

Skills Required



i can redesign your website with bettter speed and good apearance.

please contact me

check my sample of design

hello, please inbox me more details with the file i can do it. before order inbox i thank you


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$5 only I will do in 8 hours

i have checked ur website it's page speed score is 56% and y slow score is 69 just give me ftp and admin detail I will increase it's performance upto 90 +

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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Webhosting

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