
Looking for a passionate attentive ambitious fundraiser help

Looking for a passionate attentive ambitious fundraiser help

I already set up everything and it's ready to go on GoFundMe so I am looking for someone to take up my cause and help me reach my goals. The following is what I wrote and explained in the post and what I will need for what I am looking for. As follows :

I have Autism which comes with anxiety, sever depression, migraines and I have a big problem with my emotions, both noticing and expressing them. I've never been able to have a job or normal life, trying to work caused me many nervous breakdowns. I don't understand how the minds and lives of anyone else is like, I can't comprehend because my mind is so different. Trying to socially understand others is like if someone asking to describe a color. It's beyond my comprehension.

I'm 30, and I try to work hard on my online business though have had no success for years of trying at it. I get depressed and discouraged because while making things is cathartic for me and gives me something to distract myself and work towards, but I do know why I haven't gotten it. I've tried social media and networking but I hardly know anyone as I never leave the house and don't know what to say or do on social media, as I am also bad with computers, technology and I don't know how to write or describe or relay ideas to people.

My goal here is to be able to hire out freelancers of different kinds to succeed with writing descriptions, contacting others, networking/word of mouth, advertising, and to help even more by dealing with that and people which I hope may serve to reduce some anxiety and social issues. I'm going through one of the hardest periods in my life with little to no means as well. And I have a fear that if I don't make some kind of an effort to focus and distract myself with that my problems or disorders will get increasingly worse as time passes.
Please help me, this is all I have.

Thank you in advance to any help and assistance you could help with, I would be more that grateful.


Skills Required

Advertising Socialmedia Delivery Organize Freelancer Friends Financial Help Computer Availability Full Skills Online Onlinemarketin


give me order please

please sir order me.

dear sir,
i have a lot experience with so service. so please order me.


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Reputation Management