I need real people, not a traffic link, to search for a person's name that is unique and click on the selected links (about 10 to 15 sites) then spend 30 seconds to 1 minute on each page. Traffic should be 25 to 75 searches/day (average 50) mostly from USA (over 50%), 25% from Canada, Great Britain, Australia, South Africa, or New Zealand. The remaining traffic can be from anywhere.
Please no bots or IP masquerade or VPN, it won't work. Don't make an offer if you are not going to do this.
I hope to find a good provider that I can have a long term relationship with for many more projects.
Real searches and page views.
hi dear,
i will provide you high quality back link with your website.
you will get real traffic in your site.
i will apply you yahoo, quora or blog comment/ answer and back links.
you can order me.
my service will be manually.
thank you.