
Icons extraction from adobe ilustrator file.

Icons extraction from adobe ilustrator file.

Before you keep reading be aware that you must know how to automate tasks and how to automate illustrator or this task will take a long time
I need this iconset as separate svgs and pngs
Each icon is already in it's own layer.
I need each icon by itself as a simple .svg file and as an icon size .png say 32x32.
what i will provide:
10 dollars via paypall, zelle, or cash app.
What i need from you:
I need a google drive link (or similiar) for download.
Inside I need 2 4 different folders.
1. SVG icons dark
2. SVG icons light
3. PNG icons dark
4. PNG icons light
filenames are to be named as follows
"<whatever-the-icon-name-is-with-no-spaces-and-all-lower-case>-<"dark"-for dark-icons-and-"light"-for-light-icons>.<file-extension>"
for example for the first icon named "Assistive listening systems" the 4 names would be as follows:

  1. 1. assistive-listening-systems-dark.svg
  2. 2. assistive-listening-systems-light.svg
  3. 3. assistive-listening-systems-dark.png
  4. 4. assistive-listening-systems-light.png

thanks for considering doing this job.Before you keep reading be aware that you must know how to automate tasks and how to automate illustrator or this task will take a long time
I need this iconset as separate svgs and pngs
Each icon is already in it's own layer.
I need each icon by itself as a simple .svg file and as an icon size .png say 32x32.
what i will provide:
10 dollars via paypall, zelle, or cash app.
What i need from you:
I need a google drive link (or similiar) for download.
Inside I need 2 4 different folders.
1. SVG icons dark
2. SVG icons light
3. PNG icons dark
4. PNG icons light
filenames are to be named as follows
"<whatever-the-icon-name-is-with-no-spaces-and-all-lower-case>-<"dark"-for dark-icons-and-"light"-for-light-icons>.<file-extension>"
for example for the first icon named "Assistive listening systems" the 4 names would be as follows:
  1. 1. assistive-listening-systems-dark.svg
  2. 2. assistive-listening-systems-light.svg
  3. 3. assistive-listening-systems-dark.png
  4. 4. assistive-listening-systems-light.png

thanks for considering doing this job.


I need a google drive link (or similiar) for download.
Inside I need 2 4 different folders.

  • 1. SVG icons dark
  • 2. SVG icons light
  • 3. PNG icons dark
  • 4. PNG icons light
filenames are to be named as follows
"<whatever-the-icon-name-is-with-no-spaces-and-all-lower-case>-<"dark"-for dark-icons-and-"light"-for-light-icons>.<file-extension>"
for example for the first icon named "Assistive listening systems" the 4 names would be as follows:
  • 1. assistive-listening-systems-dark.svg
  • 2. assistive-listening-systems-light.svg
  • 3. assistive-listening-systems-dark.png
  • 4. assistive-listening-systems-light.png

Skills Required

Adobe Illustrator automation scripting svg png


i&#39;m a professional graphic designer and full stack developer and can help to extract the icon files from the illustrator source file as per your requirements.

you&#39;ll get 4 different files for each icon sets (2, dark and light) and you&#39;ll get them in .svg and .png formats.

i look forward to hearing from you.


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Bid On Listing Created 2 years ago in Design