
Website development project

Website development project

Executive Summary

We require full website build to support our digital growth strategy. This website should allow us to expose our brand to organic audiences
via search engines, leverage digital advertising to boost lead generation and
deploy content marketing to build brand awareness and authority.

Current site map
Number of sections: 14
Number of pages: 47 (Including 3 Contact Forms)
Features for new website Common Login and Password for all sections Registration should be based of SMS and Social Media integration International and local website/section Common Dashboard for all the sections 3 Languages: English, Russian and Spanish Easy–to–update for non-technical people SEO-friendly Ecommerce (Online Payment with cart and w/o cart) Newsletter Members section Mobile-ready Feedback & contact forms Email Subscription Blogs News Connected to all available social media Search Option within site Share option should be available on all the pages Admin and User logins for Database retrieval and alteration for data of partners, lawyers, accountants, real estate brokers, financial advisors, education contacts and employers(integrated with CRM) Featured: 1. Free calls for customer 2. News updates on Homepage 3. Automatic page creation and featured news / blogs / education / immigration / job posts


Executive Summary

We require full website build to support our digital growth strategy. This website should allow us to expose our brand to organic audiences
via search engines, leverage digital advertising to boost lead generation and
deploy content marketing to build brand awareness and authority.

Current site map
Number of sections:14
Number of pages:47 (Including 3 Contact Forms)
Features for new websiteCommon Login and Password for all sectionsRegistration should be based of SMS and Social Media integrationInternational and local website/sectionCommon Dashboard for all the sections3 Languages: English, Russian and SpanishEasy–to–update for non-technical peopleSEO-friendlyEcommerce (Online Payment with cart and w/o cart)NewsletterMembers sectionMobile-readyFeedback & contact formsEmail SubscriptionBlogsNewsConnected to all available social mediaSearch Option within siteShare option should be available on all the pages Admin and User logins for Database retrieval and alteration for data of partners,lawyers, accountants, real estate brokers, financial advisors, education contactsand employers(integrated with CRM)Featured: 1. Free calls for customer 2. News updates on Homepage 3. Automatic page creation and featured news / blogs / education / immigration /job posts
Rest will be discussed later.


Skills Required

Php Cms Seo Social Socialmedia Bootstrap


get it done for you

order now

web development and google page 1 ranking

  • web development
  • google ranking
  • marketing for leads, unlimited permanent traffic,exposure,worldwide promotion

i am a level 3 seller and handle web dev. projects singly, so better security and quick delivery

have a wonderful day.

as per your description to complete all of the works- i will do the works manually and step by step so that you can get full functional website.


i can rebuild you the site with your intended features including multilingual, selling with integrated payment gateway and much more noted in your ad descriptions.

for sms alert and so on, you need to pay/collect third-party license as prescribed by me.

subscription system will be based on mailchimp (both free and paid plan avail

order now or contact us to discuss further

please sir order me now

dear sir, have a good day.
i completed your allrequirement. i will complete the work manually and step by step. you will get a good result.
you can order me now.
more details please inbox me.
thank you.

i will design and develop your reference website at very attractive price for only in 450$. fastest deliver as possible. just order now.


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Please contact me before order i want to talk more
Acording to these features my budget is 1000$

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Pack Ads for your youtube choose 1 now:

200-1000 comment+30-50likes free for your youtube video for 5$

10000 view +30-50sub free for 5$

150 share video-creat back link,real human not auto bot for 5$

4000 hour watch + 1000 sub for 80$

and like comment,reply comment,....

Promote your video to real human on social media,Not bot It's trafic and ads Not freeze view,nondrop view Not short comment.real comment No spam

Guaranteed 100 % money back ,if there is any problem

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We are seo expert we can provide high pr Backlinks which will bring organic traffic to your website.
Backlinks are the purest form of organic traffic..If you are interest in
our service please let us know we can provide custom pack as per your


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Design

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