I need a simple website with coinbase api, the normal coinbase, not commerce.Its for personal use. I would insert coinbase api key credentials in the boxes on the website and then i could interact with the api endpoints, like send and receive coins. For example I would want to use my apikeys to send a payment to a btc address. I would visit my website, put the api keys in the boxes and then a menu of available actions would popup. I would choose "Send funds" and a new menu would popup, or boxes, where i would just enter the required items for the endpoint (in this case address, amount and currency. I would like to incorporate all the wallet endpoints interactions found here https://developers.coinbase.com/api/To summarize, a simple website, no graphic needed, where i would input the coinbase apikey and secret and then i could easily interact with the coinbase wallet endpoints. Would prefer if you would create it so I could just upload the website files to my hosting and have it running without hassle
Create a website that I can use for coinbase api endpoints interactions
i will build and design simple website with coinbase api integration. this will be unique and add all your information and files accordingly